Ain Sebaa Local Prison Files Complaint Against Father of Deceased Inmate for Unfounded Accusations


Rabat – The Ain Sebaa local prison administration has filed a complaint against the father of a deceased inmate for “unfounded and repeated accusations ” against the prison staff, one year after the death of his son who was incarcerated in this facility.

The detainee (B.M) ‘died on March 16, 2023 in the intensive care unit at Ibn Rochd hospital, where he was admitted on March 12, 2023 following the deterioration of his health and his intense fatigue”, the administration said in a press release, in reaction to the allegations of his father claiming that his son “had an argument with another inmate who allegedly offered a sum of money to the guards’ and that ‘an insulin injection was allegedly administered to him in order to conceal the cause of death’.

The inmate had already been admitted to the public hospital on March 7, 2023, where he had benefited from a set of cardiopulmonary examinations, X-rays and laboratory analyses, the same source recalled, adding that the attending physician’s report confirmed th
at the deceased was suffering from infection and hypotension.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse