“Al-Baidar Organization: Bedouin communities are fighting a terrible demographic war


Al-Baidar Organization for Defending Bedouin Rights said that the Palestinian Bedouin communities in various areas of their spread are subjected to a hideous massacre of attacks and are exposed to the risk of uprooting through the policy of forced displacement, which aims to control and seize the largest area of Palestinian land and expel its residents from it in the largest operation. Systematic ethnic cleansing is taking place before the eyes of the world. This came in the wake of violent attacks against citizens in the Wadi al-Siq Bedouin community, east of Ramallah, where a group of settlers, protected by the occupation army, carried out violent attacks against the residents of the community. They were beaten and three of them were arrested by the occupation army. As well as revealing a plan to launch 20 settlements in the occupied Negev.

The general supervisor of the Al-Baidar Organization for the Defense of Bedouins, lawyer Hassan Malihat, said in a statement by the organization that what happened yesterday were planned and coordinated attacks against the Wadi Al-Siq Bedouin community east of Ramallah, and the revelation of a plan to build 20 settlements in the Negev, in addition to the demolition operations taking place under the supervision of the Minister The Israeli national security extremist Itamar Ben Gvir is a clear embodiment of the policies of ethnic cleansing practiced by the occupation and its settlers through demolition practices, forced evictions, and terrorist settler attacks, behind which the occupation aims to eliminate the Palestinian presence, and the occupying state shares roles with its settlers to harass Bedouin communities, and this is being done. All of this is in the dark and before the eyes of the world that claims its commitment to the principles of justice. By expelling the Bedouins from their gatherings, Israel aims to achieve an equation to achieve the equation of demographic superiority in those areas so that the number of Jews exceeds the number of Palestinians, in order to impose its control over the land and establish settlement projects.on her.

Malihat added that Bedouin communities are fighting a terrible and open demographic war with the occupation, and that the establishment of settlements constitutes a flagrant violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the protection of indigenous people under occupation, which in Article 49 of it prohibited the occupying country from deporting its civilian population to lands under the authority and control of its forces. The agreement imposed an absolute obligation on the occupying power to respect the basic human rights of the persons protected by the agreement, and it prohibited physical or moral coercion and prohibited brutal treatment and deportation of groups.

Malihat stressed that the fragile Bedouin communities are subject to a heinous war of extermination perpetrated by the occupying state against them, as the reports and data on the ground indicate that the occupying state has committed more than 600 violations against the Bedouins since the beginning of this year, so we are launching an urgent distress call to protect the Bedouin communities from the danger of uprooting and provide protection They, in light of the practices of the occupying power aimed at emptying the region of its people, and tightening control over the land and natural resources.

Malihat called for providing international protection to Bedouin communities, providing them with financial and political support, and promoting their survival on the land, and calling on the International Criminal Court to take its role in the crimes committed against the Bedouins, and to hold international and regional human rights institutions fully responsible for the fate of the Bedouins who are subjected to an open war of extermination

Source: Maan News Agency