French Official Links Morocco’s Aid to Gaza to HM the King’s Commitment to Palestinian People


Paris – The overland humanitarian aid operation, launched on HM King Mohammed VI’s high instructions for the populations of Gaza and Al-Quds, is a “magnificent” initiative and an act of “immense generosity” that testifies to the Sovereign’s personal commitment to the Palestinian people, stressed Arab World Institute President Jack Lang.

“This act of immense generosity is in keeping with His Majesty the King’s long-standing personal commitment to the Palestinian people,” said Lang, while welcoming the fact that the transfer of aid by land “facilitates the safe and protective delivery of supplies to the people of Gaza.”

“I am delighted and admiring this great gesture by the Sovereign, which comes at the start of the holy month of Ramadan,” Lang told MAP.

This example deserves to be followed by other countries, he further noted, indicating that he was “touched by the kindness of HM the King in deciding to allocate aid to the Palestinian people from His personal funds,” which he described as “an accomplished a
nd remarkable act.”

“We would like this unique example to inspire other heads of state around the world,” said Lang.

In addition, he said he was “touched by HM the King’s very strong and clear desire to support the inhabitants of Gaza and the citizens of Al-Quds, which reveals both how attached the Sovereign is to the duty of humanity towards the population of Gaza, today terribly massacred, and to the Holy City, which today finds itself wounded and affected by this intolerable situation.”

HM the King, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had given His Very High Instructions deploy a humanitarian food aid operation for the Palestinian population in Gaza and Al-Quds.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse