King of Jordan Stresses Every Muslim Must Deter Israeli Escalations Against Sanctities


King Abdullah II of Jordan stressed that it is the duty of every Muslim to deter Israeli escalations against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, calling on the international community to take a stand against the exclusionary and racist statements made recently by some Israeli officials.

During the meeting attended by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and a number of Muslim and Christian Jerusalemite figures, the King of Jordan affirmed Jordan’s standing by Palestinians and its support to Jerusalemites.

The Jordanian King underscored that endeavors to improve the humanitarian and economic conditions of the Palestinians do not in any way relinquish their right to their independent state, stressing the need to stop the displacement of Christians, as well as the repeated attacks on churches, religious figures, and Christian property in Jerusalem.

In turn, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed the continuous coordination with Jordan to support the steadfastness of the Palestinians in the face of the Israeli occupation and attempts to change the holy citys identity.

Source: Qatar News Agency