Maronite Patriarch Says Two-Year Delay in Electing President Is a “Grave Error”


Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi urged Lebanon’s political leaders to prioritize integrity and wisdom in their decision-making, especially during the current political impasse.

“A leader must possess integrity and wisdom,” Al-Rahi said in his Sunday sermon. “Integrity requires love in his heart. He must remain worthy of the trust and responsibility given to him.”

His call comes at a time when Lebanon faces prolonged instability, with the country still without a president after two years.

Al-Rahi reiterated that political leaders must put aside their differences to elect a president who can restore both internal and external confidence in Lebanon.

“Authority requires leaders to strengthen stability, and what is needed is to put aside divergences and work towards electing a president who has both internal and external trust, and who strives to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701 and enforce a ceasefire,” he stated.

The patriarch also criticized the prolonged delay in electing a president, descr
ibing the two-year void as a grave error committed by Lebanon’s Parliament.

“The election of the president can no longer tolerate any delay, and the failure to elect one for two years was a crime committed by Parliament,” he stressed.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon