
In an address at the onset of Tuesday’s cabinet session, Prime Minister Najib Mikati emphasized the imperative for unity among Lebanon’s diverse sects during a period of shared Muslim and Christian fasting.

“How beautiful it is to see all Lebanese sects come together in a time of shared fasting, where we all elevate ourselves to the values of goodness, love, and tolerance. This is Lebanon, and we are all responsible for upholding this civilized image and reviving the Lebanese formula, not allowing it to be undermined. God willing, we will succeed in continuing this matter.”

“We are currently witnessing movement within the ‘Moderation Bloc’ and the ‘Quintet Committee’, and just as we appreciate the Quintet Committee’s interest, including that of ambassadors and friends of Lebanon, in ensuring the completion of the constitutional process and the election of a President, I emphasize, on behalf of myself and the Cabinet, the necessity of expediting the completion of the constitutional institutions’ formation. T
he primary and fundamental responsibility in this process remains with us, the Lebanese, and internal disagreements must not hinder the priority of completing the constitutional institutions’ formation by electing a new President for Lebanon,’ Mikati said.

“Yesterday, I heard someone discussing the banking restructuring law and reform laws, to which the response was that the issue is practically easy but its difficulty lies in politics,’ the PM added.

Mikati then pointed out that “the political crisis negatively impacts the economy and the required economic and social stability. Our main concern in the government is to maintain the structure of this state and prevent any further fissures until achieving the political consensus that enables the implementation of appropriate reforms. We are ready to undertake the necessary reforms, but the problem is that there are two political currents in the country: one that wants the total collapse of the state, and the other perhaps seeks to assist in rebuilding it.”

Our internal concerns do not make us forget the horrors of the war on Gaza, Israeli attacks on the south, the fall of martyrs, the destruction of towns and homes, the burning of crops, and the displacement of residents. We will continue to work towards reaching a ceasefire, halting the war of destruction and extermination, and enabling the return of the people of the south to their towns and villages despite everything that is happening. We are confident that the ceasefire being worked on in Gaza, despite the high tone of threats from Israel, will include the countries of the region and witness long-term stability,’ Mikati stated.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister said, “Our unity is our strength, and I call on the leaders, references, blocs, and parties to reflect on Lebanon’s past prosperity and progress, and our current situation, and to join hands to save our country and elevate it anew, despite all the circumstances and challenges we face.’

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon