Royal Speech, ‘Compass’ to Guide Government Action and Reforms (Gov’t Majority)


The speech delivered on Saturday by His Majesty King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Sovereign’s accession to the Throne of His glorious ancestors constitutes “a compass” to guide the government’s action and the reforms it is carrying out, the government majority said in a statement.

“The Throne Day Speech is a compass for the government’s action and reforms, as it contains precise strategic directives that help us build on achievements and warn us of constraints,” stressed the government majority in this statement released on Sunday.

The government majority stressed that it remains committed to the system of authentic Moroccan values as recommended by His Majesty the King, with religious values and national constants at the forefront of the various reform projects, as well as the strengthening of family and social cohesion to continue building an advanced and more cohesive Moroccan society.

It also praised the wisdom and farsightedness with which the Sovereign conducts national diplomacy, and His relentless and serene defense of the Kingdom’s territorial integrity, pointing out that, thanks to this proactive approach, the first national cause enjoys growing international support, reflected in the cascade of acknowledgements of the Moroccan character of the Sahara and support for the autonomy plan for the southern provinces under Moroccan sovereignty.

The majority also expressed pride in the Sovereign’s profound moral vision of good neighborly relations.

In the statement, the government majority expressed its great appreciation for the special attention His Majesty the King pays, in His speeches and enlightened orientations, to issues that concern citizens, noting that these matters go to the heart of the development model. In this regard, the majority reiterated the government’s readiness to implement the directives of His Majesty the King, to break new ground on the road to progress within the framework of the development model, and to develop reforms and larger-scale projects.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse