Sheikh Akl contacts Berri, Jumblatt


Sheikh Akl of the Unitarian Druze Community, Sami Abi Al-Muna, contacted this morning Parliament Speaker, Nabih Berri, to offer his condolences for the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, his martyred companions, and all the martyrs of the sinful Israeli aggression.

The Sheikh expressed full solidarity aganist the Israeli war, which must be confronted with the greatest degree of solidarity and internal national unity, to thwart the enemy and prevent it from implementing its destructive and divisive plans among the Lebanese, in addition to the social and fraternal solidarity required, according to the current critical stage.

The statement concluded: “His Eminence Sheikh Abi Al-Mona also made a similar phone call with the leader Walid Jumblatt, to consult and exchange opinions, based on emphasizing the need to work to consolidate internal unity and national solidarity, and the importance of protecting the mountain and the cohesion of its society, in light of the current s
tate of war and the chaos and reactions that its repercussions could cause, during which civil and general societal peace must be preserved.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon