2nd Gulf Municipal Week Begins in Doha


Doha: The 2nd Gulf Municipal Week organized by the Ministry of Municipality kicked off Sunday under the theme of shared vision for sustainable future.

Organized by the Ministry of Municipality, represented by the Doha Municipality, the five-day week brought together the member states, alongside a delegation from the General-Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The event was primarily intended to share knowledge among the member states to optimize government performance, upgrade infrastructure to achieve the sustainable development, forge robust ties and partnerships, promote awareness of all issues facing local communities, craft innovative polices to promote life quality and exchange successful projects between municipalities.

To mark this occasion, Director of Doha Municipality Mansour Ajran Al Buainain said the event was a critical platform to share knowledge among the GCC members, in addition to boosting cooperation and mutual understanding, underscoring the commitment of the Ministry of
Municipality, represented by the Doha Municipality, to reinforcing sustainable development and prosperity in the region through this year week and building communication bridges and partnerships to further counter the shared challenges.

The 2nd Gulf Municipal Week highlighted the significance of identifying the shared objectives and pursuing a sustainable vision for future underpinning the principles of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, including the challenges facing the region. This shared vision is the key to fast-track an enduring progression in the region and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for future aspirations, Al Buainain added.

Al Buainain stressed the importance of reinforcing cooperation among the member states to realize this vision through sharing expertise and bolstering innovative solutions for the shared challenges, such as protecting environment, strengthening the sustainable economy, reinforcing partnerships between public and private sector, and encouraging inn
ovation to achieve the sustainable development.

The event featured a myriad of research and working papers presented by a host of experts and professionals interested in the municipal affairs of GCC states. The first day addressed two papers presented by the State of Qatar on food safety, development phases and goals, sources of chemical, physical and biological hazards in food, causes of food poisoning and protection strategies, as well as the gains Qatar earned in the area of food security.

Additionally, the Sultanate of Oman presented a paper on the verification of food safety and challenges encountered considering environmental hazards, with a delegation from the UAE discussing a work paper on the outstanding experience in launching the “Enhancing the Sustainability of National Farms” initiative.

The five-day event addressed an array of themes on recycling, treating, managing waste, and converting them into energy, in addition to city development, GCC public transportation strategies and upgrading the
issuance of digital, building and completion permits. Moreover, field trips will be organized to several regions, such as Mushaireb.

This convention came in accordance with the minutes of 25th Meeting of the Committee of Their Excellencies ministers concerned with municipal affairs in the GCC states held in Riyadh in September 2022 and in implementation of the decisions rendered by this meeting concerning the Gulf Municipal Week which stipulate the approval of the mechanism set by the member states and the GCC General-Secretariat to hold this event.

Source: Qatar News Agency