7th FAAPA General Assembly: Adoption of 2024 Action Plan


Salé – The 7th General Assembly of the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies (FAAPA), held under the theme “African newsmaking: a major sovereign stake”, adopted, on Tuesday in Salé, the Federation’s action plan for 2024.

The action plan, adopted on the second day of the Assembly’s proceedings held under the chairmanship of Fouad Arif, FAAPA chairman and Director General of the Maghreb Arab News Agency (MAP), covers several areas: organization, professional training and qualification, multimedia, communication, cooperation and partnership.

On the organizational front, the plan provides for the 8th FAAPA General Assembly to be held in October 2024, to coincide with the celebration of the Federation’s 10th anniversary.

In addition to celebrating this anniversary, the General Assembly will be marked by the holding of a seminar under the theme “Press agencies in the age of artificial intelligence”.

The action plan also provides for the 9th FAAPA Executive Council meeting to be held in Côte d’Ivoire.

n the field of professional training and qualification, FAAPA plans to hold a seminar on photojournalism, the 2nd meeting of women leaders, the 2nd forum of News directors and the 2nd symposium of IT managers at the African Center for Journalists’ Training (CAFJ) in 2024.

With regard to multimedia, the action plan covers the redesign and development of the FAAPA website, the consolidation and development of the NWL-FAAPA network of women leaders, and the design and production of a website dedicated to the RJS-FAAPA network of sports journalists.

In terms of communications, the action plan provides for the FAAPA Grand Prix to be awarded for the best video report, the best article and the best photo for the year 2024.

It also involves organizing and participating in media and event activities (forums, seminars and exhibitions, etc.).

The 2024 action plan also calls for FAAPA members to sign cooperation and partnership agreements.

This second day was also marked by the review and adoption of the report of t
he 6th General Assembly, the report on the Executive Council meetings, the report on training seminars, and the financial report.

The General Assembly program featured a panel on “African Sovereignty in Action: Perspectives on Information and the Initiative for the Atlantic region “, and a major conference at the Policy Center for the New South of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, which addressed the many facets of the African Atlantic’s potential and explored avenues for sustainable development and regional integration in the region.

Source:Agency Morocaine De Presse