A car was robbed east of Hebron


Hebron – Ma’an – The car of Othman Sharif Abido, who works for a delivery company, was subjected to armed robbery yesterday afternoon, while he was delivering a package to a citizen east of the city of Hebron.

Obaido told our correspondent in Hebron that his way was intercepted by people in the area between the town of Bani Naim and Al-Baqa’a, east of Hebron. Their descriptions were given to the competent authorities. The interception was carried out using weapons. One of them sprayed him with pepper gas in his face and forced him at gunpoint. They got out of the car, then stole it and fled the place. The concerned authorities were informed of the incident, which began an investigation.

He hinted that one of the people who attacked him was supposed to receive a package from him.

Source: Maan News Agency