A delegation from the Plastic Industries Union meets with the Director of Hebron Police


Hebron – Ma’an – Brigadier Nasser Abu Hanani, Director of Hebron Police, stressed that the Palestinian police, with all its officers and personnel, work side by side with all security agencies to pursue those who break the law, combat negative phenomena that disturb the lives of citizens in Hebron Governorate, and spread security and safety and establish order.

He stressed that the police are working under exceptional circumstances, and have recently been able to arrest some wanted persons and criminals who pose a danger and threat to society.

This came during his meeting today, Saturday, in his office in the Hebron Directorate, with Kamel Al-Zeer Al-Husseini, Chairman of the Plastic Industries Union and member of the Board of Directors of the Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Economic Advisor Ahmed Hassouna, Board of Directors of the Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry and member of the Presidential Committee for Civil Peace, member of the Board of Directors of the Plastic Union Jawad Al-Tawil a
nd businessman Eid Sayaj.

The attendees thanked the police and security services for their work, which had a positive impact on social life. They called on the police chief to do more to protect citizens’ and public property, prevent repeated attacks on it, pursue those who fire on citizens’ property, reduce traffic congestion, and combat drugs.

The importance of increasing the pace of work of the judicial police in implementing the rulings issued by the competent courts or those related to decisions of the Public Prosecution was also emphasized.

Al-Husseini stressed during his speech that they understand the security complexities in the Hebron Governorate in particular and the country in general, pointing out that based on the fact that the police are the main front for dealing with citizens, purging society of criminals and combating crime, it is their duty to exert more efforts to establish public order and impose the rule of law on the street.

For his part, Counselor Hassouna said that the decisive fa
ctor between all litigants is the law, and all litigants must resort to it by filing a complaint with the police, which in turn will submit the complaint to the prosecution and then to the judiciary through the public prosecution, and the judiciary is the decisive factor, and we, as businessmen, believe in this despite the long period of litigation in the Palestinian courts, and the police have an effective and important role in helping citizens obtain their rights.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to hold more meetings between the police and the active economic sectors to overcome the obstacles and difficulties they face.

Source: Maan News Agency