A demand to increase the working hours of the crossings between Palestine and Jordan and to find a special route for goods


Ramallah – Ma’an – Palestinian businessmen from Jordan called for increasing the working hours of the border crossings between Jordan and Palestine, and finding a special route for transporting goods, with an increase in the number of trucks loaded with goods coming from Jordan to Palestine.

This came during a meeting between Jordanian Ambassador to Palestine Issam Al-Badour and Chairman of the Plastic Industries Union and member of the Board of Directors of the Hebron Chamber Kamel Al-Zeer Al-Husseini and Economic Advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Hebron Chamber Ahmed Hassouna, in his office at the Jordanian Embassy in Ramallah, today, Tuesday.

The Palestinian delegation said that it is imperative to return the crossings to their previous working hours before October 7, and to increase the working hours of the crossings for individuals in order to facilitate movement between Jordan and Palestine and alleviate the suffering of citizens.

The delegation pointed out that they had received ma
ny complaints from Palestinian traders and importers about the delay in the arrival of their goods due to the procedures in place by the Israeli side.

The ambassador was asked to have Jordan intervene with the Israeli side to expedite the issue of obtaining environmental permits for goods imported from Jordan due to its complex procedures and the long waiting period to obtain environmental permits and to find new mechanisms to deal with them.

The business delegation also stressed the unity of blood between the two brotherly peoples, the Palestinian and the Jordanian, thanking the efforts of King Abdullah II, the Jordanian government and the Jordanian people for their noble and steadfast positions towards their brothers in Palestine.

For his part, the Jordanian Ambassador thanked the business delegation for this visit, and stressed that he would convey their messages to the relevant authorities in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, study them, and help resolve them, to ease the burden on our brothers in Pales

Following the meeting, Counselor Hassouna said’We have sent several messages to the relevant authorities in the Jordanian government, through His Excellency Ambassador Issam Al-Badour, and we are confident that the obstacles will be overcome, whether for individuals or goods. We extend our great thanks to His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spares no effort in helping his Palestinian brothers, and we thank His Excellency the Ambassador for the warm welcome and his continuous and fruitful cooperation with us.’

SourceMaan News Agency