Aïn Sba 1 Local Prison: Inmate (R.C) Committed Suicide by Hanging Using Bed Blanket (Clarification)


Rabat – The inmate (R.C), incarcerated at the local prison of Aïn Sba 1, committed suicide by hanging inside his room using the blanket of his bed, said the General Delegation for Prison Administration and Reintegration (DGAPR).

In a clarification responding to the allegations made by the prisoner’s wife on the circumstances of his death and her request for an investigation, the DGAPR stated that the prison administration, as soon as it became aware of the suicide, informed the competent judicial authorities, received the mother of the deceased and informed her of the incident, while offering her condolences.

The detainee had suffered from serious mental disorders which had led to violent and aggressive behavior, both against himself and against prison officials and members of his family, thus obliging the establishment’s administration to subject him to psychological monitoring once he had been placed in detention, the clarification noted, adding that he had already benefited from psychological monitoring
at Ibn Rochd hospital with the prescription of appropriate medication.

Regarding his wife’s allegations on the presence of marks on his body after his death, the DGAPR stressed that these were marks found on the prisoner’s body on his arrival at the establishment, as recorded in his file, noting that they consisted of a deformation of the skin on the right hand and a haematoma on the left side of the face.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse