Ain Sebaa 1 Local Prison Denies Allegations Made On One of the Inmates


Ain Sebaa 1 prison administration has denied allegations circulated on social networks on the detainee (I.A), concerning his alleged “placement in a disciplinary isolation cell for 1 year and 4 months, with a ban on all telephone contact with his parents and deprivation of his other rights.”

In a clarification, the prison administration stated that the inmate “is placed in a single room and not in a disciplinary isolation cell, contrary to what his family claims,” noting that “the person concerned is known for his misconduct and recurrent offenses within the establishment.”

The prisoner has also been implicated, on several occasions, in cases of illicit trafficking and attempted aggression against fellow inmates, added the same source.

The prison also said that allegations that he is forbidden to make any telephone contact with his family are completely unfounded. The prisoner, adds the same source, contacts his family on a regular basis, underlining that the last call with his parents dates back to August 1, 2023.

In addition to the rights enjoyed by inmates, such as medical consultations, food and recreational activities, the inmate normally benefits from family visits, the last of which dates back to July 26, 2023, the same source added.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse