Al Haouz Earthquake: Ministry of Justice Takes Series of Measures to Contribute to National Effort


The Ministry of Justice announced on Monday that it had taken a series of measures falling within its sphere of competence, as a contribution to the efforts made by government authorities and various stakeholders following the earthquake that struck several regions of the Kingdom on September 8.

In line with the Royal High Directions to provide a rapid response to this natural disaster, the Ministry has set up commissions at central and regional levels to manage this crisis within the limits of its field of intervention, the Ministry said in a statement.

The measures taken also aim to ensure the continuity of public services provided to users through the rapid resumption of work in the various central and decentralized services and courts, added the same source, noting that following the earthquake, a general diagnosis of the state of buildings and infrastructure in the affected areas was carried out to ascertain the extent of the damage and draw up an action plan to ensure continuity of services, particularly in areas where significant losses had occurred, in coordination with the Supreme Council of the Judiciary and the Presidency of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse