Amrani Presents his Letters of Appointment as Morocco’s Permanent Observer to the Organization of American StatesHARIRI VISITS HIS FATHER’S TOMB, WALKS AMONG THE CROWDS: EVERYTHING IS IN GOOD TIME, SAAD HARIRI DOES NOT LEAVE THE PEOPLE


Washington – Morocco’s ambassador to the United States, Youssef Amrani, on Tuesday presented his letters of appointment to the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, as Morocco’s Permanent Observer to the OAS, during a ceremony held at the headquarters of the regional institution in Washington.

During this ceremony, Mr. Amrani underlined the importance attached by Morocco to the OAS, the premier regional forum for political discussion, policy analysis and decision-making in Western Hemisphere affairs.

He also welcomed the relations of friendship and cooperation between the Kingdom and the member states of this Pan-American organization, based in particular on mutual respect and shared prosperity.

The diplomat and Secretary General Almagro seized this opportunity to review relations between Morocco and the OAS, the means to further develop them as well as possible areas of cooperation.

Mr. Amrani stressed Morocco’s commitment to strengthening political dialogue with t
his regional institution and to promoting a more fruitful and in-depth exchange in areas of common interest.

“We greatly appreciate the Kingdom of Morocco’s role as a Permanent Observer and its interest in strengthening dialogue and cooperation with the OAS and Latin America and the Caribbean,” Mr. Almagro told MAP.

“The OAS values the importance of building stronger ties between the Americas and African countries to address common global challenges, and thanks Morocco for its leadership,” he added.

The OAS brings together all 35 independent states of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere.

Morocco is a permanent observer at the OAS since November 1981.

The organization uses a four-pronged approach to effectively implement its essential purposes, based on its main pillars: democracy, human rights, security, and development.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse

This afternoon, amidst the popular crowds and figures who flocked from the capital and various Lebanese regions to central Beirut, former Prime Minister Saad Hariri visited the tomb of his father, martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, on the occasion of commemorating the 19th anniversary of his assassination, accompanied by the head of the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development, Bahia Hariri, and his uncle. Shafiq Hariri, where they recited the “Al-Fatiha” for his soul and the souls of his fellow martyrs.

Hariri walked among the crowds who gathered around him and chanted slogans of support, as he shook hands with them and expressed appreciaiton for their affection.

Upon his departure, Hariri addressed the crowds through the media, saying: ‘I want to thank all the people who came from all of Lebanon,” adding, “I assure you that wherever I may be, I will remain by your side and with you…for Hariri does not leave the people.’

He concluded: “Tell everyone that you have returned to the arena, and w
ithout you there is no ‘running country’…The pulse of the country is here. Maintain the pulse, preserve the country…We are together and I am by your side…Everything is in good time!”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon