AU Must Support Morocco’s Sovereignty over Sahara for Continent’s Stability – South African Newspaper


South African newspaper The Star argued that everything pleads for the African Union (AU) to reconsider its position on the Sahara conflict and support Morocco’s sovereignty over its territory.

By supporting Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara, the AU would resolve a conflict that has lasted too long and would boost the continent’s progress in line with the aspirations of Agenda 2063,” the newspaper recently wrote.

Under the title “The Urgency of Resolving the Sahara Conflict: An Imperative for the African Union to Empower Morocco’s Sovereignty”, The Star argues that there are several reasons why the AU urgently needs to reassess its position and recognize Morocco’s sovereignty.

Based on research compiled in his book “Africa in the Change”, the author of the article, Willah Joseph Mudolo, explains that Morocco’s historical ties with the Sahara are undeniable, recalling that before the Spanish occupation, Several Moroccan dynasties ruled the territory, making it an integral part of the Kingdom of Morocco.

In this regard, he recalled that the 1975 Madrid Agreements, which put an end to Spanish domination, also transferred administrative control to Morocco.

Similarly, Morocco’s significant investments in the Sahara demonstrate its commitment to the socio-economic development of the region, he said, adding that the Kingdom has invested billions of dollars in the infrastructure sectors, education and health to improve people’s lives.

Moreover, he maintains, Morocco’s ambitious autonomy plan for the region is likely to offer a way for increased political participation of the populations concerned.

The newspaper also notes that an analysis of regional stability presents compelling and unstoppable arguments to support Morocco’s sovereignty.

The continuation of the artificial conflict around the Moroccan Sahara provides fertile ground for drug trafficking and smuggling activities and feeds the fateful agendas of terrorist groups active in the subregion, he warned.

Therefore, he notes, supporting Moroccan sovereignty would promote stability, a crucial factor for regional security and efforts for broader continental integration, within the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Finally, a resolution in favor of Morocco would safeguard the territorial integrity of African States, a cardinal principle enshrined in the AU Constitution, argues the researcher, stressing that this would set a precedent against secessionist movements and the fragmentation of African countries, thus promoting continental unity.

In the same vein, “The Star” also observes that Morocco, one of the most dynamic economies in Africa, has experienced significant growth over the last decade, noting that the country’s strategic situation as a gateway to Europe, its political stability and progressive economic policies make it a key player in Africa’s socio-economic transformation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse