AU Official Calls Morocco’s Aid to Palestine ‘Unprecedented’, Particularly ‘Significant’


Addis Ababa – Morocco’s “unprecedented” overland aid to Gaza and Al-Quds, delivered on HM King Mohammed VI’s directives, holds particular significance as it coincides with the sacred beginning of the month of Ramadan, said Khalid Boudali, President of AU’s Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC).

The AU official, approached by MAP, highlighted the unique nature of this assistance, emphasizing its humanitarian and diplomatic importance. He expressed that amidst the recent hostilities in Gaza, Morocco’s initiative stands as a beacon of hope, with HM King Mohammed VI leading a historic decision as the Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee.

The aid showcases Morocco’s commitment to providing direct assistance despite regional tensions. This significant humanitarian effort positions Morocco as a pioneer in a major breakthrough, demonstrating tangible support for the Palestinian people during a challenging time.

Boudali underscored the altruistic nature of this relief effort, characterizing it not just as ai
d delivery but as a symbol of royal compassion towards distressed populations. He noted that the initiative reflects Morocco’s centuries-old tradition of active solidarity and the Kingdom’s unwavering commitment to placing humanity at the core of its concerns.

Boudali further expressed gratitude on behalf of ECOSOCC to HM the King and the Moroccan people for their exceptional humanitarian gesture, describing it as “unfailing altruism” and “enlightened leadership.” These qualities, he emphasized, are shining examples of Morocco’s dedication to peace and regional solidarity.

The aid, which includes significant support for infants and vulnerable children, is not only a practical assistance measure but also a symbolic gesture during the sacred month of Ramadan. In these challenging times, the relief provided by Morocco is seen as a soothing balm for afflicted souls, showcasing the Kingdom’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse