‫حل العرض التجاري من هايسنس Hisense المصمم للرياضة، الذي عرض في بارك دي برانس، موطن نادي باريس سان جيرمان

تشينغداو، الصين، 13 أبريل/نيسان 2022 / PRNewswire / — كشفت هايسنس Hisense مؤخرًا عن شاشات LED في بارك دي برانس، موطن نادي باريس سان جيرمان PSG في فرنسا، لتوفير حل جديد لمحيط الملاعب. ستسمح شاشة LED الموضوعة في منتصف الشرفة، والمجهزة بأحدث التقنيات، للجماهير بالانغماس بشكل أفضل في تجربة اللعبة الكبيرة. شارك مارك أرمسترونج Marc Armstrong ، رئيس مسؤولي الشراكات بنادي باريس سان جيرمان، “يسعدنا الترحيب بحل […]

تشينغداو، الصين، 13 أبريل/نيسان 2022 / PRNewswire / — كشفت هايسنس Hisense مؤخرًا عن شاشات LED في بارك دي برانس، موطن نادي باريس سان جيرمان PSG في فرنسا، لتوفير حل جديد لمحيط الملاعب. ستسمح شاشة LED الموضوعة في منتصف الشرفة، والمجهزة بأحدث التقنيات، للجماهير بالانغماس بشكل أفضل في تجربة اللعبة الكبيرة. شارك مارك أرمسترونج Marc Armstrong ، رئيس مسؤولي الشراكات بنادي باريس سان جيرمان، “يسعدنا الترحيب بحل هايسنس Hisense وشاشات LED التجارية في بارك دي برانس. إنها فرصة رائعة لإبراز شراكة نادي باريس سان جيرمان القوية مع علامة تجارية تحظى باحترام دولي مثل هايسنس Hisense ، ولتكون قادرة على رد الجميل للجماهير، من خلال الارتقاء بتجربة لعبهم “.

يحتوي المحيط الكلي على 450 مترا مربعا من 10 ملم بكسل من نوع LED . يجعل الارتفاع البارز لشريط PSG عرض 45 مليون بكسل أكثر وضوحا. كما صممت هايسنس Hisense جدارين جامبو من نوع LED لضمان الرؤية لجميع المشجعين في الملعب. ذكر موريس لو Morris Luo ، مدير قسم تطوير الأعمال B2B العام في شركة هايسنس Hisense ، أن “شاشات العرض LED هذه يمكن أن توفر لقطات في الوقت الفعلي ومعلومات حية لكل الجمهور، والتي يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين الجو بشكل كبير.”

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، افتتح نادي باريس سان جيرمان مؤخرا متجرا رئيسيا جديدا في شارع الشانزلزيه الشهير في باريس، حيث قدمت هايسنس Hisense مجموعة من شاشات LED وجدران فيديو وشاشات عرض رقمية. قال شون كيم Shawn Kim ، العضو المنتدب لشركة هايسنس Hisense للأعمال B2B بأوروبا، “إنه لشرف كبير أن أكون أحد شركاء العرض الرئيسيين لباريس سان جيرمان. يعكس التعاون بين هايسنس Hisense ونادي باريس سان جيرمان PSG التطلعات المشتركة لكلا العلامتين التجاريتين. يقدم كل من هايسنس Hisense ونادي باريس سان جيرمان PSG منتجات ذات أداء ومستوى عاليين. “

كانت شركة هايسنس Hisense رائدة في تكنولوجيا العرض التجارية من الجيل التالي، بجودة صور رائعة، وبأي شكل يمكن التفكير في إمكانيته.

تهدف شركة هايسنس Hisense منذ سنة 2019، إلى حل مشاكل العملاء وتعزيز الابتكار. حققت منتجات العرض التجارية من هايسنس Hisense أربعة انجازات فنية رئيسية حتى الآن: كاميرا بتقنية التوصيل لحماية الخصوصية؛ ستة ميكروفونات مصفوفة لتصفية الضوضاء المحيطة؛ تحديث إلى نطاق لوني واسع بنسبة 85٪، وذاكرة وصول عشوائي 4 جيجا للحصول على أداء أفضل لجودة الصور. تغطي أعمال العرض التجاري B2B من هايسنس Hisense بشكل أساسي أكثر من 30 دولة في الأسواق الإقليمية الخمسة في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وشمال وجنوب إفريقيا وجنوب شرق آسيا وأمريكا. كما توفر بشكل أساسي خدمات لعقد المؤتمرات عن بعد، والمؤتمرات الكبيرة، والتعليم، والسوبر ماركت، وسلسلة الوجبات السريعة، ومحطة الوقود، والفنادق، وسيناريوهات التطبيقات الأخرى. سنة 2021، زادت الطلبات الخارجية على شاشات هايسنس Hisense التجارية بنسبة 230٪ سنويا، وزادت إيراداتها بنسبة 327٪ سنويا.

كما ستواصل هايسنس Hisense سنة 2022، توسيع أعمالها محليا، مع التركيز على تطوير سوق العرض التجاري، بهدف تسريع نمو حجمها على المدى القصير والمتوسط، وتحسين التعرف على العلامة التجارية وحصتها في السوق كهدف استراتيجي نهائي. ستقوم هايسنس Hisense بإنشاء سيناريوهات استخدامات متنوعة وستأخذ التعاون في الأحداث الرياضية كأحد أهم الاتجاهات في المستقبل.

رابط الفيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqf2eexCoxI

رابط الفيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-1eT2-HNbQ

رابط الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1795253/Hisense_Commercial_Display_Performance_Picture.jpg

Canton Fair 2022: Intelligent Technology Empowers Development of China’s Consumer Goods

GUANGZHOU, China, April 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair will be held online from April 15 to 24. Many exhibitors have already uploaded eye-catching products to the Canton Fair Official website. The Consumer Goods section at the Canton Fair receives wide attention with products such as intelligent titanium water bottles that can track data of sugar […]

GUANGZHOU, China, April 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair will be held online from April 15 to 24. Many exhibitors have already uploaded eye-catching products to the Canton Fair Official website. The Consumer Goods section at the Canton Fair receives wide attention with products such as intelligent titanium water bottles that can track data of sugar content, calories and temperature, machines that can make milk foam with just one press, remote control smart companions pets featuring video and voice interaction, etc..

China is a major manufacturer, consumer market and exporter of consumer goods. Statistics show that from 2012 to 2021, China’s retail sales of consumer goods have risen from RMB 20.6 trillion to RMB 44.1 trillion, keeping an average annual growth rate at nearly 9%, making it the second-largest consumer market after the USA. Meanwhile, the total import and export volume of China’s consumer goods has also maintained rapid growth.

Answering the need of consumption upgrading, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) has initiated multiple measures during the 13th Five Year Plan to drive enterprises to increase the supply of mid-to-high-end consumer goods. Enterprises are encouraged to fit the trend of consumption upgrading featuring personality and quality-first, and invest more in the R&D. As a result, China’s supplies of mid-to-high-end products are greatly boosted. A number of Chinese self-owned brands have started to enjoy a higher international market presence. Enterprises trading kitchen appliances and domestic ceramics present products that are popular at home and abroad, such as aluminum cookware, kitchen appliances, smart kitchen cabinet supporting products, as well as ceramics for national banquets, etc. Some of the products have won the Red Dot Design Award, iF Design Awards and many other awards.

As China’s economy maintains stable growth, its household items, personal care products, bathroom supplies, and pet products have also gained ever stronger competitive strength for their intelligence, utility, green and low-carbon technology. Some products rank first in global exports among equivalents.

Maggie Pu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, said that Canton Fair will continue to advance international cooperation by facilitating China’s consumer goods enterprises to go global. Meanwhile, the Fair will leverage its strength in IPR protection and safeguard the innovations of exhibitors. By doing so, it aims to inspire more Chinese enterprises to advance independent innovation.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email.

European Wellness Signs MOU in Dubai Expo 2020 to Strengthen Medical Tourism into Malaysia and Develop Advanced Biological Regenerative Medicine in UAE

DUBAI, UAE, April 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — European Wellness Biomedical Group (EW Group), through its Malaysian subsidiary European Wellness Academie, and Dubai- based healthcare distribution and technology group, AK International LLC, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 30th March 2022 that aims to strengthen the medical tourism linkages and access to Biological Regenerative Medicine services in the United […]

DUBAI, UAE, April 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — European Wellness Biomedical Group (EW Group), through its Malaysian subsidiary European Wellness Academie, and Dubai- based healthcare distribution and technology group, AK International LLC, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 30th March 2022 that aims to strengthen the medical tourism linkages and access to Biological Regenerative Medicine services in the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia.

EW Group and AK International's MOU signing was the first to be finalised during the signing ceremony, under the witness of Malaysia’s Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Rural Development Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid, and Deputy Minister of Works Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup.

The signing marks a significant milestone in EW Group’s effort to scale up the global adoption of rapidly emerging German and Swiss medical paradigms and cell-based bio- therapeutics for the integrative management of chronic degenerative conditions and untreatable rare diseases.

Witnessed by YAB Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Prime Minister of Malaysia, the MOU were signed by Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, European Wellness Group Chairman and Dr. Aasif Ali Siddiqui, Managing Director of AK International.

The strategic collaborations seeks to setup two Centers of Excellence, one specializing in the rehabilitation, education and holistic management of pediatric neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and Global Developmental Delay, and another specializing in the management of untreatable and rare diseases such as CHARGE Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease etc.

EW Group Chairman Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike said, “We are confident that our 30 years of cell therapeutic research efforts across Europe, along with a passionate team of international top clinicians trained in Germany and Switzerland, can support the delivery of an impactful and personalized disease management model to the communities in UAE.”

Logo“Moreover, these Centers are also vital frontlines to assist local patients seeking for biological regenerative medicine solutions at our overseas destinations to have easy access to an efficient and collaborative case referral network – from initial inquiry, to preliminary medical investigation, to assisted medical travel, and finally to follow-up care,” he said.

Since 2017, EW Group has embraced the growth strategies of licensing its proprietary clinical systems, protocols and patented bio-therapeutics to new joint-ventures, rendering the rapid expansion of its healthcare facility division from 2 flagship centers in Switzerland and Malaysia in 2016 to a global network of 26 medical and healthcare centers today.

In addition, EW Group and AK International are looking into the development of a technology driven ‘Digital Wellness Service Corridor’, in the form of an AI-driven application pioneered by AK International’s subsidiary Artelir Inc. that shall seamlessly connect patients from United Arab Emirates with healthcare service providers in Malaysia.

AK International Director Dr. Aasif Ali Siddiqui commented, “One of the goals of this MOU is to increase medical and wellness tourism in Malaysia while also offering Emiratis modern medical treatments in other countries. Patients with incurable uncommon diseases or neurodegenerative disorders, for example, may have restricted access to innovative treatment alternatives, such as cell-based or biomolecular therapies, in their local area.”

The partnership is also set to explore potential investments into Iskandar Malaysia Development Area in Johor for the development of a world-leading Halal Hub for Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine. The unique development project valued at USD 60million shall comprise a 100-bed integrative medicine hospital modelled after EW Group’s medical facility in Germany, Muslim-centered aged care retirement villas and assisted living apartments, and a GMP-certified halal biologics and botanical drug manufacturing facility.

“Our Group is ever ready to extend more than 50 of our proprietary plant-based pharmaceuticals with German approval for immediate production in Malaysia and export to meet the growing global demand for natural medicine,” Dato’ Sri Mike said.

“This project will bring a tremendous opportunity to strengthen Malaysia’s vision and current positioning as the world’s Muslim hub for innovative biotechnology developments, especially on herbal medicine research and botanical drug manufacturing.”

EW Group is a recipient of multiple awards for its pioneering biotech innovations in Paris, Geneva, London and Kuwait, and currently holds multiple international patents on innovative biotechnological processes and formulation for its Cell and Gene Therapy Products (CGTP) and Biologics, including precursor (progenitor) stem cells, biological peptides and anti-idiotypic antiobodies for immunology and botanical formulation for parenteral nutrition.

About European Wellness Biomedical Group

European Wellness Biomedical Group (EW Group) is an award-winning European group founded by Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan and Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Michelle Wong in early ’90s in Switzerland through the culmination of early cell therapeutic research efforts spanning across Switzerland, Germany, Russia and Austria since the mid ’80s.

Today, EW Group is most renowned for its pioneering developments in organ-specific precursor (progenitor) stem cell therapeutics, biological and synthetic peptides, biological regenerative medicine, immunotherapies, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. EW Group’s multinational business divisions include research and development; bio-manufacturing; biomedical academies for continuing education and training (including 20+ published medical books, 50+ scientific journals and 20+ international accreditations); medical facilities and anti-ageing centres; and nutraceutical product distribution to licensed practitioners and consumers across 80 countries worldwide.

EW Group also owns and operates a growing network of internationally accredited Hospital and Medical Centers specialising in Regenerative Biomedicine and luxury Wellness Centres globally. Currently, the Group is headquartered in Germany and Malaysia (Asia Pacific) with its own research and biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities vested in Germany, Switzerland, United States, Czech Republic, and United Kingdom.


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1796147/DSMC.jpg
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Terran Biosciences and Blumentech S.L. announce the acquisition of a patent portfolio covering the groundbreaking discoveries of prominent psychedelics researcher Dr. Jordi Riba

NEW YORK, April 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Terran Biosciences (“Terran”), a biotech platform company dedicated to the development of transformational therapeutics for neurological and psychiatric diseases, has entered into an agreement with Blumentech S.L. (“Blumentech”) to acquire Blumentech’s full patent portfolio and accompanying data, which includes multiple groundbreaking discoveries by the late Dr. Jordi Riba Serrano, […]

NEW YORK, April 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Terran Biosciences (“Terran”), a biotech platform company dedicated to the development of transformational therapeutics for neurological and psychiatric diseases, has entered into an agreement with Blumentech S.L. (“Blumentech”) to acquire Blumentech’s full patent portfolio and accompanying data, which includes multiple groundbreaking discoveries by the late Dr. Jordi Riba Serrano, a renown ethno-pharmacologist and pioneer of psychedelics research.

Terran Biosciences

Widely admired for his trailblazing work in the space, Dr. Riba was the first to conduct a placebo-controlled study of ayahuasca in 1999, and published extensively on the ability of the molecule DMT to induce neurogenesis. His findings demonstrated novel ways to maintain the therapeutic and neurogenic benefit of psychedelic compounds while also reducing potential side effects and increasing the potential for use across a much wider population of patients.

During his time as a senior researcher at the Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona, Dr. Riba founded Blumentech in 2017 as a spinout to advance his research and further explore these new possibilities and applications for psychedelics. That same year he was featured alongside Elon Musk and Kamala Harris on Rolling Stone’s list of “25 People Shaping the Future,” highlighting the visionaries who are “changing (and maybe saving) the world one brilliant idea at a time.”

Since Dr. Riba’s passing in 2020, his son Marc Riba has stepped in as a director at Blumentech to keep the work moving ahead. “My purpose is to continue my father’s legacy. His vision was to use his research to find solutions for the millions of people suffering from mental and neurological illnesses,” stated Marc, “Thanks to our great team at Blumentech, led by Gerard de Lucas, we were able to protect and expand my father’s intellectual property. Now we are happy to partner with the team at Terran, who we know will be able to ensure his important work continues and take his vision to the next level. We have been impressed by their team, IP, portfolio, and novel approach to the space, and we have faith they will be successful in delivering new therapeutic options to patients in need.”

Blumentech’s patents further complement Terran’s rapidly growing IP portfolio of over 150 patent applications in the psychedelic space, which includes patents on Terran’s orally-active DMT compound, a product of Terran’s robust medicinal chemistry drug discovery program.

Dr. Sam Clark, CEO of Terran commented “We are honored to partner with Blumentech and advance these assets as quickly as possible. Dr. Riba truly opened the door to this entire field of research, and we hope we too can open doors for patients with these innovative approaches.”

The deal also included data and patent rights assigned and licensed from several academic institutions in Spain, including: Fundació Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de La Santa Creu i Sant Pau (FIRHSCSP), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), State Agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas M.P (CSIC), and Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER).

About Terran Biosciences, Inc.

Terran is a biotech platform company developing a portfolio of therapeutics and technologies for patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases. Backed by a number of life-science and tech investors, Terran has built a CNS-focused, tech-enabled drug development platform, and is rapidly advancing of number of late-stage assets, which include novel psychedelic-based therapeutics.

Terran Contact

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Zoom Announces Platform Innovations to Elevate the Total Customer Experience

Zoom IQ for Sales, a conversation intelligence solution, and Zoom Events Innovations Modernize the Ways Businesses Engage Their Customers SAN JOSE, Calif., April 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At its second Work Transformation Summit, a virtual gathering of business leaders that offers actionable insights for navigating the transformation and future of work, Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: […]

Zoom IQ for Sales, a conversation intelligence solution, and Zoom Events Innovations Modernize the Ways Businesses Engage Their Customers

SAN JOSE, Calif., April 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At its second Work Transformation Summit, a virtual gathering of business leaders that offers actionable insights for navigating the transformation and future of work, Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) unveiled its latest innovations in the Zoom platform to help businesses improve customer and employee experiences for the new ‘work anywhere’ workforce. Announced today, Zoom IQ for Sales, a conversation intelligence solution for sales professionals, as well as new Zoom Events and Webinar functionalities such as backstage and Webinar session branding, are putting engagement at the center of the experience and transforming the way we work, connect, and collaborate.

“Every interaction counts in a video-first world – whether it’s a call with a customer service agent, a video meeting with the sales team, or a hybrid event with customers and prospects. World-class customer engagement is where competitive differentiation happens,” said Oded Gal, Chief Product Officer at Zoom. “Following our recent launch of Zoom Contact Center, Zoom IQ for Sales, and our latest Zoom Events innovations mark further steps in Zoom’s journey to establish new heights for customer experiences and flexible collaboration across the workforce.”

“These new innovations are yet another example of Zoom’s ability to bring new solutions to life quickly and seamlessly, based on the needs of its customers,” said Dave Michels, Founder and Principal Analyst at TalkingPointz. “With the introduction of Zoom Events, Zoom Contact Center, and now Zoom IQ for Sales, the Zoom platform is poised to make an impact on reimagining the customer experience, by expanding it to include the entire customer journey from marketing to sales to ongoing support – the total customer experience.”

Zoom IQ for Sales: Zoom’s First Step In Conversation Intelligence
Zoom IQ for Sales is a conversation intelligence add-on for Zoom Meetings that turns customer interactions into meaningful and actionable insights, helping teams across marketing, sales, and competitive intelligence improve crucial interactions with customers. Additional benefits include:

  • Optimized efficiency: Zoom IQ for Sales increases seller productivity with automation for next steps and risk assessments, and quick search functionality.
  • Integrated: Tightly integrated with Salesforce®, leading calendars, and Zoom Meetings, Zoom IQ for Sales consolidates workstreams and provides an aggregated view into conversations and opportunities.
  • Easy-to-use: Zoom’s intuitive web interface makes it easy for admins to onboard users and manage their integrations and quick for users to view insights and recordings.
  • Scalable: On-demand scalability – businesses can easily add users as needed.

Zoom IQ for Sales is now available as an add-on for Zoom Meetings customers with support for Zoom Phone coming soon. Zoom IQ for Sales is the first iteration of Zoom’s conversation intelligence technology under the Zoom IQ umbrella, with potential future use cases by product, industry, and use case. To learn more about Zoom IQ for Sales, please visit the Zoom IQ for Sales page and read our blog.

Zoom Events & Webinar Enhancements: Improving the Presenter Experience
Virtual and hybrid events are crucial to a brand’s marketing strategy, allowing them to connect with customers and prospects on their terms. One of the most requested features for Zoom Events, the all-in-one platform that allows brands to create virtual and hybrid experiences, has been a gathering place for speakers before, during, and after a session. To meet this need, Zoom is launching backstage, a new feature that allows panelists, speakers, and production crews to stay behind the scenes while viewing the live webinar feed, chatting with each other, answering attendees’ questions, and practicing their presentations.

Zoom announced two more Zoom Webinar innovations, designed for anyone who wants to present information to a large online audience attending from anywhere in the world on any device:

  • Webinar reactions: Webinar attendees can use reactions. The stream of submitted reactions is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the main webinar window, visible to the host, panelists, and attendees.
  • Webinar session branding: Hosts can customize the appearance of the in-webinar experience by adding a wallpaper behind the video tiles, setting a common virtual background for all panelists, and providing name tags for each panelist.

Webinar reactions and session branding are available now, and Zoom Events backstage will be generally available in late April 2022. The Zoom Events’ session experience is also available now on Zoom Rooms, allowing hosts and attendees to join events from Zoom Rooms appliances. To learn more about the latest Zoom Events, please visit the Zoom Events page and read our blog.

For more information on Zoom’s innovations, or to watch any of the sessions from industry leaders taking place today, please visit our Work Transformation Summit page.

About Zoom
Zoom is for you. Zoom is a space where you can connect to others, share ideas, make plans, and build toward a future limited only by your imagination. Our frictionless communications platform is the only one that started with video as its foundation, and we have set the standard for innovation ever since. That is why we are an intuitive, scalable, and secure choice for individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ: ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Visit zoom.com and follow @zoom.

Press Relations
Farshad Hashmatulla
Product PR Manager

Gordon Brothers Partners with IMG to Expand Laura Ashley Globally

Boston, April 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gordon Brothers, the global advisory, restructuring and investment firm and owner of the British heritage brand Laura Ashley®, has partnered with IMG to expand the iconic fashion, home and lifestyle brand in a fresh, modern way in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, India and the Middle East. The […]

Boston, April 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gordon Brothers, the global advisory, restructuring and investment firm and owner of the British heritage brand Laura Ashley®, has partnered with IMG to expand the iconic fashion, home and lifestyle brand in a fresh, modern way in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, India and the Middle East.

The brand’s multi-year partnership with IMG will create new Laura Ashley apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty, homeware items and hospitality offerings through carefully selected licensing and retail partnerships and collaborations.

“We are delighted to partner with IMG to continue to expand Laura Ashley following the success of its spring homeware collection and fall fashion collaboration last year,” said Tobias Nanda, President, Brands at Gordon Brothers. “Our focus in working with IMG will be to select additional strategic partnerships and collaborations to help bring the brand’s distinct aesthetic to consumers globally while continuing to develop our current brand partnerships.”

“For almost 70 years, Laura Ashley’s iconic, quality-led designs, prints and patterns have continued to inspire the most coveted styles and fashion trends around the world,” said Tim Smith, Vice President at IMG. “We are eager to leverage this rich heritage and the Laura Ashley archive, comprising more than 98,000 pieces of unique artwork, textiles and footage, to develop relevant new fashion and lifestyle products for existing and new fans of the brand.”

After acquiring the Laura Ashley brand, archives and related intellectual property and announcing the partnership with NEXT plc in 2020, Laura Ashley launched its spring homeware collection online and in select NEXT stores and fall fashion collaboration with Batsheva in 2021 while developing brand partnerships in Korea, Japan and the U.S.

Gordon Brothers provides both short- and long-term capital to clients undergoing transformation. The firm lends against and invests in brands, real estate, inventory, receivables, machinery, equipment and other assets, both together and individually, to provide clients liquidity solutions beyond its market-leading disposition and appraisal services. Gordon Brothers has been actively investing in brands since 2003, partnering with leading companies to help revive and reimagine some of the world’s most iconic brands.

About Gordon Brothers
Since 1903, Gordon Brothers (www.gordonbrothers.com) has helped lenders, operating executives, advisors and investors move forward through change. The firm brings a powerful combination of expertise and capital to clients, developing customized solutions on an integrated or standalone basis across four services areas: valuations, dispositions, operations, and financing and investment. Whether to fuel growth or facilitate strategic consolidation, Gordon Brothers partners with companies in the retail, commercial and industrial sectors to put assets to their highest and best use. The firm conducts more than $70 billion worth of dispositions and appraisals annually and provides both short- and long-term capital to clients undergoing transformation. Gordon Brothers lends against and invest in brands, real estate, inventory, receivables, machinery, equipment and other assets, both together and individually, to provide clients liquidity solutions beyond our market-leading disposition and appraisal services. The firm is headquartered in Boston, with over 30 offices across five continents.

About Laura Ashley
Celebrating timeless designs, signature prints and quintessentially British styles since 1953, Laura Ashley is one of Britain’s most beloved home and lifestyle brands. Relaunched for spring 2021, the current collection sees the return of best-selling ranges, customer favourite prints as well as beautiful new designs inspired by the rich heritage of the Laura Ashley archive. www.lauraashley.com

About IMG
IMG is a global leader in sports, fashion, events and media. The company manages some of the world’s greatest athletes and fashion icons; owns and operates hundreds of live events annually; and is a leading independent producer and distributor of sports and entertainment media. IMG also specializes in licensing, sports training and league development. IMG is a subsidiary of Endeavor, a global sports and entertainment company.

Lauren Nadeau
Gordon Brothers