Barham from Turmus Aya Schools: Regulating the educational process in the targeted areas is a priority


Ramallah – Ma’an – The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Amjad Barham said that the regularity of the educational process, specifically in the areas targeted by the occupation and its settlers, is a priority, and that the Palestinian government, through the ministry, is concerned with providing everything that will stabilize the educational process and regular school hours, considering that visiting the schools of the town of Turmus Ayya falls within this context in light of what the town and the surrounding areas are witnessing. It is subject to systematic targeting by settlers.

This came during his visit and the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Dr. Nafie Assaf and the Ministry’s staff; Turmus Aya Secondary Girls School in Birzeit District, in the presence of the Director General of the Directorate, Muhammad Sami, representatives of the municipality, the Mothers’ Council, the Unified Parents Council, the principals of the Turmus Aya cluster schools, and representatives of the town and its activ
ities. Barham inspected the school and spoke with the students and the teaching staff about the importance of maintaining the educational process despite The challenges ahead, stressing that the targeting of educational institutions will only increase our determination to preserve education. As a tool for liberation, steadfastness and uplift, recalling the damage that has befallen the Gaza Strip as a result of the continuous targeting since the beginning of the occupation and its continuing brutal aggression against the Strip. He also expressed his pride in the message that Palestinian male and female teachers perform that combines cognitive and national dimensions, considering that investing in the future of generations establishes the achievement of our national project.

The school principal presented the minister and the accompanying delegation with a picture of the targeting that the school and surrounding schools face due to settler attacks from time to time, and the educational and psychological effect
s resulting from this were reviewed.

During his inspection tour of the school, he met the school’s female students and teachers and listened to their visions regarding the educational reality, stressing that the curriculum, the teacher, the student, and the school environment are basic pillars for any desired educational development, noting that the Ministry is concerned with completing the school year with the least possible amount of educational loss in light of what has accompanied this. The year is one of exceptionally complex circumstances.

For his part, Sami presented the most prominent challenges facing his district’s schools, the most prominent of which is obstructing students’ and teachers’ access to their schools, which constituted an additional burden that had repercussions on everything related to the educational scene.

Source: Maan News Agency