Bayt Mal Al-Qods Agency Continues its Support for Al-Qods in Application of High Royal Instructions – Official


The Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency is continuing its support for the Holy City and its sacred sites in application of the High Royal Instructions, thanks to the experience it has accumulated over 25 years, the agency’s managing director, Mohamed Salem Cherkaoui, said on Tuesday in Rabat.

Speaking at the opening of an international symposium on “The role of the media in promoting the civilizational identity of Al-Quds Asharif”, Cherkaoui, noted that the Agency has demonstrated that delivering support to beneficiaries is possible and under safe conditions.

He added that working in the City and with its legitimate institutions is yielding remarkable results, “echoes of which are relayed by our brothers in Al-Quds and by the media.”

Since the beginning of the year, the Agency has counted over 8,000 press articles on its activities in Al-Quds, relayed by 12 Arab and Islamic news agencies and broadcast in 5 different languages, he said.

At the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency, part of the Al-Quds Committee chaired by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, “we are convinced that freeing the Western reader from the one-sided media narrative should be the priority of joint Arab action in this field,” said Cherkaoui, noting that highlighting the civilizational center of Al-Quds will enable Westerners to understand that the Palestinians’ love of life is a constant reality.

He also stressed the need to pay attention to the terminology related to the Palestinian cause, which is mediatized and does not serve Arab and Palestinian law, despite the laudable efforts made by professional unions, organizations and specialized bodies, headed by ICESCO, recalling that he had, in this sense, called on the Union of Press Agencies within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to draw up a reference document of exact terms for submission to the media of Arab-Muslim countries

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse