

Deputy Prime Minister chairs 44th meeting of Supreme Council for the Development of Education and Training

Deputy Prime Minister, Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, the President of the Supreme Council for the Development of Education and Training, chaired today the council’s 44th meeting which was held virtually to discuss key issues.The Deputy Prime …


HH Shaikh Nasser: Cooperation between Education, Youth ministries to boost youth movement

HM the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, today received Education Minister, Dr. Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, and Youth and Sports Affairs Minister, Ayman bin Tawfiq Al-Moayyad, i…


Higher Education Secretary General receives Omani Ambassador

Secretary-General of the Higher Education Council and Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Higher Education Dr. Shaikha Rana bint Isa bin Daij Al Khalifa received the outgoing Omani Ambassador Abdullah bin Rashid Al Madilawi. The secretary-general hi…


28 Abducted Baptist School Students Freed in Nigeria

Armed kidnappers in Nigeria have released 28 of the more than 120 students who were abducted at the beginning of July from the Bethel Baptist High School in the northern town of Damishi.Church officials returned those children to their parents at the …


140 Students Abducted in Northwestern Nigeria?

Armed kidnappers have taken 140 students from their boarding school in northwestern Nigeria, local officials announced Monday. Attackers opened fire on the Bethel Baptist High School in Kaduna state early Monday, abducting most of the 165 pupils boardi…