Drought Affects Almost Half of Somalia as Famine Looms  

At a news conference in Mogadishu, Somalia’s special envoy for humanitarian issues on Monday said more than six million Somalis were affected by the record drought.

Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsameh said the number of people suffering was quickly approaching half of Somalia’s population.

Warsameh said the drought has hit 72 of Somalia’s 84 districts and that six of them were already facing famine-like conditions with extreme food insecurity.

He says our people are starting to die now. Deaths have begun, famine is looming in some areas, and drought is turning into famine. Warsameh says the Somali people at home and abroad should help us in taking on some of the responsibility.

The special envoy did not give any figures on how many Somalis have died from hunger but appealed for aid to reach those in need.

Warsameh said the current drought, the worst in forty years, had displaced nearly 700,000 Somalis from the countryside and forced them to seek help in nearby cities.

He said the U.N. and aid agencies requested $1.4 billion for drought relief but so far received only $58 million.

Warsameh said international aid was more focused on the COVID pandemic, Russia’s war on Ukraine, and crises in Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen.

The humanitarian envoy also said not much attention is given to humanitarian needs because of Somalia’s focus on politics last year and a half of delayed elections.

International aid agencies warned Monday that the threat of starvation was worsening in Somalia and neighboring countries across Ethiopia and Kenya.

The Horn of Africa region is facing a record fifth rainy season without adequate rain, according to meteorological experts and humanitarian groups, which include U.N. agencies.

Source: Voice of America

In Commonwealth, Queen’s Jubilee Draws Protests, Apathy

After seven decades on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II is widely viewed in the U.K. as a rock in turbulent times. But in Britain’s former colonies, many see her as an anchor to an imperial past whose damage still lingers.

So while the U.K. is celebrating the queen’s Platinum Jubilee — 70 years on the throne — with pageantry and parties, some in the Commonwealth are using the occasion to push for a formal break with the monarchy and the colonial history it represents.

“When I think about the queen, I think about a sweet old lady,” said Jamaican academic Rosalea Hamilton, who campaigns for her country to become a republic. “It’s not about her. It’s about her family’s wealth, built on the backs of our ancestors. We’re grappling with the legacies of a past that has been very painful.”

The empire that Elizabeth was born into is long gone, but she still reigns far beyond Britain’s shores. She is head of state in 14 other nations, including Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Bahamas. Until recently it was 15 — Barbados cut ties with the monarchy in November, and several other Caribbean countries, including Jamaica, say they plan to follow suit.

Britain’s jubilee celebrations, which climax over a four-day holiday weekend starting Thursday, aim to recognize the diversity of the U.K. and the Commonwealth. A huge jubilee pageant through central London on Sunday will feature Caribbean Carnival performers and Bollywood dancers.

But Britain’s image of itself as a welcoming and diverse society has been battered by the revelation that hundreds, and maybe thousands, of people from the Caribbean who had lived legally in the U.K. for decades were denied housing, jobs or medical treatment — and in some cases deported — because they didn’t have the paperwork to prove their status.

The British government has apologized and agreed to pay compensation, but the Windrush scandal has caused deep anger, both in the U.K. and in the Caribbean.

A jubilee-year trip to Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas in March by the queen’s grandson Prince William and his wife Kate, which was intended to strengthen ties, appears to have had the opposite effect. Images of the couple shaking hands with children through a chain-link fence and riding in an open-topped Land Rover in a military parade stirred echoes of colonialism for many.

Cynthia Barrow-Giles, professor of political science at the University of the West Indies, said the British “seem to be very blind to the visceral sort of reactions” that royal visits elicit in the Caribbean.

Protesters in Jamaica demanded Britain pay reparations for slavery, and Prime Minister Andrew Holness politely told William that the country was “moving on,” a signal that it planned to become a republic. The next month, Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne told the queen’s son Prince Edward that his country, too, would one day remove the queen as head of state.

William acknowledged the strength of feeling and said the future “is for the people to decide upon.”

“We support with pride and respect your decisions about your future,” he said in the Bahamas. “Relationships evolve. Friendship endures.”

When then Princess Elizabeth became queen on the death of her father King George VI 1952, she was in Kenya. The East African country became independent in 1963 after years of violent struggle between a liberation movement and colonial troops. In 2013, the British government apologized for the torture of thousands of Kenyans during the 1950s “Mau Mau” uprising and paid millions in an out-of-court settlement.

Memories of the empire are still raw for many Kenyans.

“From the start, her reign would be indelibly stained by the brutality of the empire she presided over and that accompanied its demise,” said Patrick Gathara, a Kenyan cartoonist, writer and commentator.

“To this day, she has never publicly admitted, let alone apologized, for the oppression, torture, dehumanization and dispossession visited upon people in the colony of Kenya before and after she acceded to the throne.”

U.K. officials hope countries that become republics will remain in the Commonwealth, the 54-nation organization made up largely of former British colonies, which has the queen as its ceremonial head.

The queen’s strong personal commitment to the Commonwealth has played a big role in uniting a diverse group whose members range from vast India to tiny Tuvalu. But the organization, which aims to champion democracy, good governance and human rights, faces an uncertain future.

As Commonwealth heads of government prepare to meet in Kigali, Rwanda, this month for a summit delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, some question whether the organization can continue once the queen’s eldest son, Prince Charles, succeeds her.

“Many of the more uncomfortable histories of the British Empire and the British Commonwealth are sort of waiting in the wings for as soon as Elizabeth II is gone,” royal historian Ed Owens said. “So it’s a difficult legacy that she is handing over to the next generation.”

The crisis in the Commonwealth reflects Britain’s declining global clout.

Zimbabwe was suspended from the Commonwealth under its authoritarian late President Robert Mugabe, and is currently seeking readmission. But many in its capital of Harare have expressed indifference to the queen’s jubilee, as Britain’s once-strong influence wanes and countries such as China and Russia enjoy closer relations with the former British colony.

“She is becoming irrelevant here,” social activist Peter Nyapedwa said. “We know about [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] or [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, not the queen.”

Sue Onslow, director of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at the University of London, said the queen has been the “invisible glue” holding the Commonwealth together.

But she says the organization has proven remarkably resilient and and shouldn’t be written off. The Commonwealth played a major role in galvanizing opposition to apartheid in the 1980s, and could do the same over climate change, which poses an existential threat to its low-lying island members.

“The Commonwealth has shown a remarkable ability to reinvent itself and contrive solutions at times of crisis, almost as if it’s jumping into a telephone box and coming out under different guise,” she said. “Whether it will do it now is an open question.”

Source: Voice of America

Rwanda, DRC Leaders to Discuss M23 Rebel Group

The head of the African Union is calling on Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo to lower tensions. The DRC accuses Rwanda of supporting the rebel group M23, which continues to battle the Congolese army in eastern Congo. But analysts are doubtful the tensions or the situation in eastern Congo as a whole will soon improve.

Calm has returned in some parts of the eastern DRC, which saw heavy fighting last week between the Congolese army and the rebel group M23.

Jean-Mobert Senga, Amnesty International’s DRC researcher, told VOA there is a lull in the fighting.

“When it comes to M23, there has been some calm in the last few days,” he said. “There have been no clashes reported and in some parts, civilians have started to return but that doesn’t mean that the conflict is over in North Kivu and Ituri. Civilians are still being killed by other armed groups, so it’s not only M23 which is the problem. There are also other groups who have been killing people and are continuing to kill civilians with impunity.”

Reports say the Congolese army, with the help of the U.N. peacekeeping force MONUSCO, recently repelled a rebel advance on the city of Goma. The reports say M23 fighters have now returned to their hideouts near the border with Uganda.

But residents of North Kivu and Ituri remain fearful of M23 and other armed groups in the region, which have competed for years for control of the area’s rich mines. Some of the groups have ties to Rwanda, Uganda or Burundi.

The DRC government accuses Rwanda of supporting M23 in an effort to destabilize the country.

In a statement Monday, Rwandan Foreign Minister Vicent Biruta encouraged its neighbor to de-escalate its rhetoric. He said collaboration could restore security and bring lasting stability to the region.

The minister also said the rebel group M23 was Congo’s internal problem and should be resolved among Congolese themselves.

On his Twitter account, African Union chairperson Senegalese President Macky Sall said he is concerned about the tensions between the DRC and Rwanda. Sall said he spoke to DRC President Felix Tshisekedi and Rwandan President Paul Kagame in a quest to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

Researcher and political analyst Ntanyoma Rukumbuzi said the tension between the countries and the unrest in the DRC are likely to continue.

“I don’t see any future escalation between the two countries, Rwanda and the DRC,” he said. “I think both countries have an interest in dialogue and settling many of these issues in a pacific way through dialogue but would this be enough if Rwanda and DRC agree to solve the tension in a pacific way? Will this lead to the stability of the DRC? I am not sure.”

M23 insists it is fighting ethnic Hutu groups to protect the minority Tutsi living along the border between Congo and Rwanda.

But, Human Rights Watch DRC senior researcher Thomas Fessy notes M23 was expelled from peace talks between Congo and various armed groups that took place in Kenya at the end of April.

“All of this has created a context of tension which is sparking fears of new military confrontation on Congolese territory and civilians are always the ones always to pay the biggest price,” he said. “In a few days of heavy fighting near Goma, over 70,000 people were displaced. According to the humanitarian organizations, many of them will now need assistance.”

Congo is home to some 5.6 million internally displaced people, more than any other country in Africa.

Source: Voice of America

‫ATFX هو الشريك العالمي الرسمي لمعرض iFX الدولي 2022

 دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 30 مايو 2022 /PRNewswire/ — تم الكشف عن ATFX كشريك عالمي رسمي لمعرض iFX الدولي 2022، الذي يقام في قبرص من 7 إلى 9 يونيو 2022. كونك الشريك العالمي الرسمي هو شرف مرغوب فيه يحسده العديد من الوسطاء، نظرًا للطبيعة الدولية للمعرض.

يعد معرض iFX EXPO أول وأكبر معرض مالي في العالم يتم إقامته بين الشركات منذ أكثر من عقد من الزمان. يجمع المعرض بين الشركات والمهنيين من قطاعات الخدمات المالية الأوسع، والتداول عبر الإنترنت، والتكنولوجيا المالية.

يُنظر إلى معرض EXPO على أنه حدث شبكي حيث يمكن للمهنيين الماليين التفاعل أثناء استكشاف الأعمال المختلفة الممثلة في معرض EXPO .

بصفتك شريكًا عالميًا، ستكون علامة ATFX التجارية مع علامتها التجارية المؤسسية ATFX Connect مرئية لجميع الحاضرين، مما يجذب انتباهًا كبيرًا إلى الوسيط وخدماته. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سيعرض الوسيط منتجاته وخدماته من الجناح 156، وجميع الحضور مدعوون لرؤية خدماته المتطورة على أرض الواقع.

يعد اختيارك شريكًا عالميًا إنجازًا مهما منحه عدد قليل من الوسطاء ذوي العلامات التجارية المحترمة. ومع ذلك، للحصول على هذا الشرف، يجب أن يكون الوسيط قد أثبت أن منتجاته وخدماته هي قطع فوق البقية لأن علامته التجارية سترتبط بمنظمي EXPO .

 أثبتت ATFX نفسها كوسيط رائد يخدم تجار التجزئة والمؤسسات. تأسست قبل بضع سنوات فقط في عام 2017، وقد نحت الوسيط مكانة لنفسها مدفوعة بتركيزها على التكنولوجيا المالية باعتبارها المحرك الرئيسي وراء أعمالها.

أطلق وسيط العقود مقابل الفروقات العديد من الخدمات القائمة على التكنولوجيا المالية التي حسنت الخدمات مثل التحقق من العملاء وإعدادهم وقدمت إشارات آلية لجميع عملائها فيما يتعلق بصفقات البيع والشراء المحتملة.

ATFX Connect هي الأعمال المؤسسية للوسيط التي تخدم الأفراد والمؤسسات وصناديق التحوط ومديري الأموال ذوي الملاءة المالية العالية. يمكن لعملائها الوصول إلى السيولة المصرفية من المستوى 1، من بين خدمات مالية أخرى مخصصة لتناسب احتياجات كل عميل.

 ارتفع حجم الصفقات التي تعالجها ATFX بشكل مطرد بمرور الوقت، حيث أظهرت أحدث الأرقام أن حجم تداول الوسيط تجاوز 400 مليار دولار في الربع الأول من عام 2022. لذلك، من الواضح أن ATFX قد حصلت على مكانتها كشريك عالمي لمعرض iFX EXPO 2022 .

تتطلع ATFX إلى الاجتماع والتفاعل مع عملائها الحاليين والمحتملين خلال المعرض.

 موقع ATFX : www.atfx.com
موقع ATFX Connect: www.atfxconnect.com

شركة ATFX هي وسيط تداول في سوق العملات الأجنبية “الفوركس”/العقود مقابل الفروقات ( FX/CFD) ، ولديها فروع في مناطق مختلفة من العالم، وتقدّم خدمات الدعم لعملائها بأكثر من 15 لغة. وتنفذ الشركة عمليات تداول في أكثر من 300 أصل من الأصول المالية القابلة للتداول؛ بما في ذلك العملات الأجنبية (الفوركس) والمعادن النفيسة والنفط الخام والمؤشرات والأسهم المتداولة بوصفها عقودًا مقابل فروقات؛ وتخضع الشركة لرقابة هيئة السلوك المالي ( FCA ) في المملكة المتحدة، والهيئة القبرصية للأوراق المالية والبورصة ( CySEC ). وهي حاصلة على ترخيص من هيئة الخدمات المالية ( FSC ) في موريشيوس، كما أنّها مسجلة لدى هيئة الخدمات المالية ( FSA ) في سانت فنسنت والجرينادين.

ATFX Connect
في عام 2019، دخلت ATFX إلى الساحة المؤسسية لإطلاق منصة الوصول المتعدد ATFX Connect . كانت رؤية الإدارة هي توسيع الوجود العالمي للوسيط وتوفير السيولة الحائزة على جوائز وخدمة العملاء للمجتمع المؤسسي. مع التركيز على المستثمر المحترف، تم تصميم منصة ATFX Connect لتوفير مكان تداول آلي فعال يوفر حلول سيولة مصممة خصيصا لصناديق التحوط ومديري الأصول والوسطاء والبنوك الخاصة والمؤسسات المالية الأخرى.

ROSEN, TOP RANKED NATIONAL INVESTOR ATTORNEYS, Encourages Mullen Automotive, Inc. f/k/a Net Element, Inc. Investors with Losses to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action Commenced by the Firm – MULN, NETE


WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Mullen Automotive, Inc. f/k/a Net Element, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN, NETE) between June 15, 2020 and April 6, 2022, inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important July 5, 2022 lead plaintiff deadline in the securities class action commenced by the Firm.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Mullen securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Mullen class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=5459 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than July 5, 2022. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually handle securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Mullen overstates its ability and timeline regarding production; (2) Mullen overstates its deals with business partners, including Qiantu Motors; (3) Mullen overstates its battery technology and capabilities; (4) Mullen overstates its ability to sell its branded products; (5) Net Element did not conduct proper due diligence into Mullen Technologies; (6) the Dragonfly K50 was not (solely) delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and (7) as a result, defendants’ public statements were materially false and/or misleading at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Mullen class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=5459 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

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Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827

Global Call for Refining and Creative Design Proposals of Haikou Urban Elements

HAIKOU, China, May 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Under the guidance of the People’s Government of Haikou Municipality, the press conference of “Global Call for Entries: Haikou Urban Element Refining and Creative Design Scheme” was jointly sponsored and held by the Publicity Department of CPC Haikou Municipal Committee and the Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film, Television and Sports Bureau of Haikou City.

As the capital city of Hainan Province, Haikou is the political, economic, scientific and technological, and cultural center of the province, and has the important task of creating the core leading area of Hainan Free Trade Port. The “Global Call for Entries: Haikou Urban Element Refining and Creative Design Scheme” will call for strategic partners from all over the world, inviting enterprises, institutions, social organizations, art and craft colleges and studios engaged in cultural creativity and art design to refine Haikou’s urban elements. Based on these elements, a set of urban VI design schemes will be designed with creativity, in line with the city image of “Vibrant Haikou, Opportunity Haikou”, showing the regional characteristics and reflecting the characteristics of the city.

To encourage the design team to create the best works, the organizer will award the project partner with the honorary title of “Haikou City Culture Promotion ‘Peer'” and a series of specific resources and rights.

For details of the project announcement and specific requirements, please refer to the official website of the People’s Government of Haikou Municipality, the official website of the Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film, Television and Sports Bureau of Haikou City, and HKBTV.CN, or follow official WeChat accounts of Haikou’s Release, Haikou Broadcasting and Television Station, and other platforms.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1828449/1.jpg