
College of Business and Economics at QU Launches New Minor For Tax Administration

Qatar University’s (QU) College of Business and Economics hosted a launching event for the minor in taxation, in cooperation with the General Tax Authority (GTA) and Qatar Financial Centre (QFC).

HE QU President, Dr. Hassan bin Rashid Al Derham said during the opening statement, “The launch of this minor reflects the university’s keenness to respond quickly to the changes in the labor market and its ability to provide new programs that meet the needs of the state and the business community. The development of this program came in response to the tax policies and legislation in the countries of the region that have been approved in recent years, to achieve further comprehensive economic diversification, which includes diversifying government revenue sources and reducing dependence on oil and gas as a main source of government revenue. This calls for reconsidering and developing other educational programs in line with the new financial and economic policies in the Gulf countries. We expect that graduates of this program will have a major role in making and formulating economic and tax policies that reflect the direction of the countries of this region towards tax reform.” Dr. Al Derham noted that QU has responded to these developments by encouraging scientific research to discuss issues related to sustainability and economic development, including the subject of financial sustainability. On the other hand, new academic programs have been developed and introduced at the College of Business and Economics that reflect this direction, which will contribute to providing the labor market in Qatar and the region with graduates capable of dealing with renewed economic developments and challenges, including tax reform and related tax policies and legislation.

HE President of the General Tax Authority (GTA) Ahmed bin Issa Al Mohannadi said in his speech, “We have been keen to cooperate with Qatar University to introduce the new minor, which will prepare the national academic competencies, enhance efforts to localize jobs, and support the country’s capabilities of qualified cadres in the tax sector, in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030.” “We expect this new minor to build the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs who have the ability and awareness about the importance of tax administration, the necessity of tax compliance, and its effects on business.” he added.

Chief Financial and Tax Officer at the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Hamed Al Saadi spoke during the event saying, “The QFC has always sought to strengthen partnerships with many universities and scientific research institutions, and to support programs and initiatives aimed at creating qualified national cadres to meet the requirements and challenges of the labor market, believing in the importance of advancing the education and scientific research sectors in achieving economic development goals.” “The launch of this minor is the culmination of the joint efforts between the QFC and Qatar University, and as another testament to the country’s leadership in the field of education, as this program is the first of its kind in the region, which will contribute to enhancing the business environment and diversifying the national economy.” he added.

Dean of the College of Business and Economics Prof. Rana Sobh also spoke at the event noting that the establishment of the minor could not have been implemented without the support of the efforts of the General Tax Authority and the Qatar Financial Centre. “In the College of Business and Economics and in Qatar University in general, we do not celebrate new programs or majors, as this happens regularly. We are today not celebrating the new minor but rather celebrating a success story, an example and a model for a partnership between the College and government bodies and business entities. Through this launch we are trying to shine a spotlight on the importance of this partnership.” (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency