Comoros’ Accession to WTO, A Consecration of Moroccan Diplomacy’s Leadership


Geneva – The approval on Tuesday of the final report of the Working Party on the accession of the Union of the Comoros to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which marks the accession of the African country to the organization, consecrates the leadership of Moroccan diplomacy, which chaired the process.

After a lengthy and complex process lasting over 15 years, the Working Party on the Accession of the Union of Comoros to the WTO, chaired by Morocco’s ambassador and permanent representative in Geneva, Omar Zniber, held its 10th and final meeting, during which the final report was adopted. This event marks the last step in the process and the accession of Comoros to the organization, which will be formally ratified at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference, slated for February 26-29 in Abu Dhabi.

The accession of Comoros as a new member of the WTO, achieved thanks to the mediation of Morocco, is the first to take place in eight years, as twenty countries have currently submitted their applications for accessio
n to this multilateral organization.

“The successful accession of this sister country, following difficult bilateral negotiations with major economic partners such as the United States, the EU, and India, has a relevant significance which translates the importance of incorporating LDCs into the multilateral trading system and the of fostering international trade relations based on transparency, equity, and inclusiveness,” says a press release from the Moroccan Permanent Mission.

“Our country’s involvement and unwavering commitment to this process is an expression and a mark of support for this brotherly country that counts on such accession to strengthen its economic openness and use it as an instrument to accelerate ongoing and future reforms, modernize and develop its economic fabric, and as a pillar to support the ‘Emerging Comoros 2030′ plan,” according to the same source.

The successful outcome of this process is a further diplomatic success that once again illustrates Morocco’s leadership and contrib
ution to international organizations, as the host country for the signing of the Marrakech Agreements 30 years ago (GATT) and as a tireless advocate for the WTO’s work in favor of developing countries and LDCs, particularly in Africa.

Held in the presence of WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Comoros’ Minister for Post, Telecommunications and Digital Economy, Kamaldini Souef, the meeting was also attended by WTO members and senior Comorian officials.

On this occasion, Zniber congratulated Comoros on this well-deserved accession, which is the outcome of tireless efforts made under the leadership of President Azali Assoumani and the effective support of the institutions and departments involved.

For her part, Ms. Okonjo-Iweala underlined the importance of such accession in strengthening the WTO and its credibility, particularly with regard to LDCs, Africa, and the Organization’s development agenda.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse