Cyprus MFA Spokesperson Calls ‘Totally Groundless’ Allegations of Arrest Warrants against Moroccan Security Officials


Allegations published by some media and an official news agency in a neighboring country of arrest warrants against Moroccan security officials are “totally groundless”, Cypriot Foreign Ministry spokesperson Theodoros Gotsis said on Friday.

« The competent authorities of Cyprus, meaning both the legal service and the police, confim that these claims are totally groundless, » Gotsis told MAP.

« It is fake news, there is no penal case and no arrest warrant that has been issued against any individual that the said media claim to, » he added.

In a news article entitled “Senior Moroccan security officials are the subject of an international arrest warrant”, published on January 16, 2024, APS relied on false information disseminated by a Moroccan national who had been convicted by the Italian courts of fraudulent offenses

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse