Daki Calls Criminal Justice One of Community Security’s Foundations


King’s Attorney General to the Court of Cassation, Public Prosecutor’s Office President El Hassan Daki said, Wednesday in Tangier, that criminal justice is one of the foundations of community security.

The official’s statement came during the opening of the 5th training session for heads of the public prosecutor’s office and judicial police, which tackles the issue of criminal justice.

On this occasion, Daki stressed that “criminal justice is one of the foundations that ensure community security, through the prosecution of perpetrators of criminal acts, up to the pronouncement of a verdict that ensures deterrence and compensation for victims.”

“The success of criminal justice depends on raising awareness of the positive role played by law enforcement agencies and other justice auxiliaries”, he further noted, assuring that “improving criminal investigations, qualifying the people in charge of these investigations and modernizing their mechanisms and working methods cannot contribute to promoting criminal justice in our country without strengthening the confidence of members of society, including the parties to criminal litigation”.

Daki emphasized that achieving this goal requires the commitment of all entities involved in the criminal justice system to uphold integrity and professional ethics, and thus in alignment with the principle of promoting ethical standards in public life, as guided by the principles set forth by His Majesty the King.

He also highlighted the crucial role of criminal investigations in the criminal justice system, emphasizing that they can impact the fairness of criminal trials. Fair trials are fundamental principles enshrined in international human rights charters, as well as in Morocco’s 2011 Constitution and the Code of Criminal Procedure, he added.

The official called on those responsible for conducting criminal investigations to adhere to the procedural and formal measures governing such investigations, in order to prevent any potential challenges or obstacles.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse