Dynamics of Morocco-Israel Relations, Window of Opportunity for Just Settlement of Palestinian Question (INSIGHT)


The Royal Message sent by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God Assist Him, to Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu commends a just and far-sighted decision by the State of Israel to recognize the Kingdom’s sovereignty over its Sahara, in line with the provisions of the Tripartite Declaration signed on December 22, 2020 between the Kingdom of Morocco, the United States and the State of Israel.

At the heart of this agreement between the three countries, which is characterized by its comprehensiveness, was the multilateral benefit of establishing “full, peaceful and friendly diplomatic relations” between the Kingdom and Israel, which should help advance the cause of peace in the region, strengthen regional security, and open up new opportunities for the entire region.

The Sovereign’s Message to Netanyahu stresses that these prospects for peace are in line with the principles that should guide the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this context, the Tripartite Declaration of December 2020 reiterated the Kingdom of Morocco’s consistent, constant and unchanged position on the Palestinian question, as well as the stance repeatedly expressed by the Sovereign, in His capacity as Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, on the importance of preserving the special status of the sacred city of Jerusalem for the three monotheistic religions.

Always at the service of the sacred cause of peace, His Majesty the King extended an invitation to the Israeli Prime Minister to visit the Kingdom, thus confirming the historic and active role that Morocco, under the leadership of its Sovereign, has never ceased to play in bringing the peoples of the region closer together and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

This visit is therefore likely to provide an opportunity to open up new prospects for peace for all the peoples of the region, and to relaunch the peace process, which has reached a perilous deadlock that could have harmful repercussions for the entire region.

In this respect, Morocco has always considered it essential to move away from the logic of populism and one-upmanship, which only serve to fuel the conflict and hold the peoples of the region hostage, in particular the Palestinian people. It will always advocate a balanced and constructive attitude that favours consensus and dialogue, the only possible ways of overcoming the current situation.

The Kingdom’s constant commitment to bringing peoples closer together and promoting peace and stability is thus confirmed by this Message from the Sovereign, which takes relations between the Kingdom and Israel to a new level, and outlines the contours of a lasting regional peace.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse