
In his address at the opening segment of the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial on March 21, 2024, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, Simon Stiell, emphasized the critical importance of addressing climate change amid alarming temperature increases.

Stiell underscored the necessity of focusing on solutions to achieve a net zero-emissions world by mid-century, ensuring safety, shared opportunities, and climate resilience for all nations and their citizens.

Acknowledging the leadership of Dr. Sultan and the UAE Consensus in advancing climate action, Stiell called for collective efforts to agree on a New Collective Quantified Goal for climate finance by the end of the year. He emphasized the need for increased financial support for developing countries and innovative approaches to financing global climate action.

Stiell highlighted the urgency of enhancing national climate plans, known as NDCs 3.0, and urged countries to set ambitious targets for 2030 and beyond. These plans, he emphasized, should serve as
blueprints for economic growth, job creation, and renewable energy transition, ultimately contributing to limiting global heating and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Moreover, Stiell stressed the importance of transparency and accountability in implementing climate commitments, urging prompt submission of biennial transparency reports to track progress. He also raised concerns about the financial challenges facing the UNFCCC, emphasizing the need for adequate funding to fulfill its mandate effectively.

In conclusion, Stiell urged nations to seize the opportunity to lead in climate action, emphasizing the benefits of investing in a sustainable future. He expressed optimism about the discussions at the Copenhagen Ministerial and the potential for collective action to address the pressing challenges of climate change.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon