/Expo 2023 Doha/ QC Presents Strategies to Ensure Water Security


Doha, October 07 – Qatar Charity (QC) organized a panel discussion as part of the “Qatar Fund For Development Sustainability Summit 2023” in the Expo 2023 Doha.

The panel discussion shed light on water security and climate resilience, during which representatives from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and Save the Children participated.

During his opening remarks in the panel discussion, Director of the Field Offices department at QC Manaa Al Ansari said, “Water is a fundamental necessity for life. It is essential for the prosperity and well-being of communities around the world. However, the impact of climate change is placing immense pressure on very limited water supply.” Al Ansari added, “Last year, we all witnessed the raging floods in Pakistan and Sudan, the drought in Somalia. In the face of these challenges, we, at QC, recognize the importance of implementing effective strategies to ensure water security.” The Director of the Field Offices department at QC stated, “We quickly mobilized ourselves to provide immediate response, proudly reaching more than 5 million people last year. We also provided more than 2 million with access to WASH services across 49 countries in 2022.” He said that QC focuses on long-term solutions to build community resilience and to ensure they are better prepared for future challenges. He indicated that this discussion is very important to exchange knowledge and encourage collaboration that pave the way for a sustainable and resilient future.

Al Ansari also thanked QFFD for hosting this important summit, noting that the organizations participating in the summit have been long-standing partners of QC, adding that thanks to these partnerships, QC continues to deliver effective humanitarian response and development assistance.

The Summit also featured the participation of Global Green Growth Institute and the World Food Program. The event explored the importance of integrating SDG 8 – economic empowerment – into food security, water security, and climate change-focused development projects, acknowledging the crucial role of sustainable economic growth in overcoming these challenges.

Source: Qatar News Agency