FLAM: “From Douar Shanty to New York”, an Original Photographic Exhibition by Mourad Fedouache


On the occasion of the second edition of the Marrakech African Book Festival (FLAM), Moroccan artist-photographer Mourad Fedouache is exhibiting his work at the “Les étoiles de Jamaa El Fna” cultural center of the Ali Zaoua Foundation in Marrakech, with a series of photos on “Douar Shanty”, a small village in his native region Sidi Yahya Al Gharb.

Mourad Fedouache has done a remarkable job of capturing scenes from the lives of the Douar Shanty inhabitants. Each of his photographs is a poignant testimony to life, joy, sorrow, hope and dreams, offering a profound insight into the living conditions of the inhabitants of his Douar.

In a statement to MAP, Mourad Fedouache emphasized that his photographic project “From Douar Shanty to New York” is a documentary work that aims to bring Douar Shanty to a wider public, from a different angle.

Referring to key historical events in Sidi Yahya Al Gharb, the artist-photographer added that his exhibition seeks to combat prejudice and stereotypes about disadvantaged nei
ghborhoods, through a human approach that honors their inhabitants, encouraging young artists to immortalize scenes of life in their neighborhoods.

Highlighting the talent of Mourad Fedouache, Younès Ajarraï, General Delegate of FLAM, pointed out that the festival has a tradition of making room for artists from all backgrounds to exhibit their work, recalling that last year the festival invited the artist Mohammed Mourabiti to present his paintings.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse