Former Peruvian FM Commends Spain’s Position in Favor of Morocco’s Territorial Integrity


Lima – Former Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Mackay, welcomed Spain’s position, reaffirmed Wednesday by Spain, in favor of Morocco’s territorial integrity, which ‘supports the vision shared by other countries of the international community regarding the relevance of the Moroccan autonomy plan’.

Spain’s position confirms Madrid’s attachment to the principle of “consistency with international law” which is a constant principle of its foreign policy, Mackay told MAP on the occasion of the working visit of the President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, to Morocco.

Spanish government’s reaffirmation of its position in favor of the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative ‘marks an inflection point in Madrid’s interaction with this issue of the full sovereignty” of Morocco over its Sahara.

The former Peruvian minister also highlighted “Spain’s commitment to peaceful solutions, which are the only “jus cogens” solutions in the 21st century, as provided for by international law and the Un
ited Nations Charter”.

Mackay also underlined that Sanchez’s visit and the audience granted to him by His Majesty King Mohammed VI were “fruitful for bilateral relations”, adding that this visit has particular importance due to the significant geopolitical and historical relations between the two countries.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse