
Time Topic 11:00 am The Judicial Council, headed by Judge Suhail Abboud, convenes at the Palace of Justice in Beirut to follow up on Subhi Fakhri and his wife Nadima’s death trial. 11:00 am The Lebanese-Palestinian Youth Meeting organizes a solidarity stand with the people of Gaza in front of Al-Jadeed TV in Beirut. 11:30 am Press conference by head of the Bakeries and Ovens Syndicate in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, Captain Nasser Sorour, at the bakeries’ syndicate headquarters – Hadath Al-Jamous, next to Al-Hadi Bakeries. 1:00 pm Sit-in at the invitation of the ‘Umma Movement’ in support of Palestine and its struggling people, at the mosque and complex of the Islamic College – Beirut – Bir Hassan – near the Kuwaiti Embassy. 4:00 pm Sit-in organized by Hezbollah at Basta al-Tahta Square in Beirut, ‘in victory and support for the resistance of the proud Palestinian people and in denunciation of the American-Zionist aggression.’ 6:00 pm Screening of a documentary film titled ‘Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall’ within the palliative care program organized by the American University of Beirut Medical Center, at the Issam Fares Institute on the university’s campus.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon