Government media: The occupation has prevented the entry of smoke into Gaza since October 7


Gaza – Ma’an – The government media office said that the Israeli occupation prevents the entry of tobacco in commercial quantities, denying the collection of any taxes.

The office confirmed in a statement that the tobacco commodity has not entered the Gaza Strip in commercial quantities since October 7, 2023 until today, as the Israeli occupation is exerting pressure on citizens intentionally and intentionally, as three trucks were previously supplied to the Kerem Shalom crossing, but the occupation Return it and prevent its entry into the Gaza Strip.

He said that the Ministry of Finance in Gaza does not collect any taxes or any kind of levy on any commodity if it enters the Gaza Strip, including tobacco, and that the process of obstructing the entry of goods and smoke in particular and preventing their entry comes in the context of tightening the siege on the Gaza Strip and changing the public mood. And messing with the social dimension.

The office called on all merchants in the Gaza Strip to enter all go
ods of interest to citizens, and we emphasize the exemption of all imported goods from duties, customs and taxes in appreciation of the circumstances that our Palestinian people are going through due to the occupation’s aggression, calling on all countries of the world to put pressure on the Israeli occupation in order to allow the entry All goods to the Gaza Strip.

Source: Maan News Agency