HM the King: Seriousness is Cornerstone of Approach Subordinating Exercise of Responsibility to Accountability


His Majesty King Mohammed VI stressed on Saturday that seriousness is the cornerstone of an integrated approach that subordinates the exercise of responsibility to the requirement of accountability, and gives precedence to the rules of good governance, the value of work, merit and equal opportunities.

“Seriousness must remain our guiding beacon, in life as in work,” said the Sovereign in a Speech delivered to the Nation on the occasion of Throne Day, stressing that “it should prevail in all sectors.”

In this respect, HM the King explained that “seriousness in political, administrative and judicial affairs by serving the citizen, selecting qualified people, making sure the best interests of the nation and the citizens are prioritized, and rising above narrow considerations.”

Seriousness should also prevail in the social field, especially in the areas of health, education, employment and housing, HM the King further noted, maintaining that “the seriousness I am advocating also concerns economic stakeholders, as well as the investment, production and business sectors.”

In this respect, the Sovereign stressed the urgent need to be serious about creating a climate of confidence and seizing new opportunities in order to strengthen the recovery and resilience of the national economy.

“With the emergence, today, of some signs of a gradual easing of inflationary pressures at the global level, we are in great need of seriousness and confidence. We must also make the most of new opportunities to enhance the resilience of our economy and promote recovery,” HM the King added.

In this respect, HM the King invited the government to undertake the rapid and qualitative implementation of the “Morocco Offer” project in the field of green hydrogen, “to leverage our country’s significant potential in this regard, and to meet the expectations of leading global investors in this promising field.”

On another note, the Sovereign emphasized that the repercussions of the global crisis, combined with successive years of nationwide drought, had contributed to a rise in the cost of living and a slowdown in economic growth.

“Therefore, I have instructed the government to take the necessary measures to mitigate the negative effects of the current situation on the social segments and sectors that are most affected, and to make sure basic products are available on the market,” said the Sovereign.

Concerning the social protection project, HM the King expects “the payment of social benefits to the families concerned to start at the end of this year, as planned.”

“I hope this direct income will contribute to improving the living conditions of millions of families and children, whose suffering I am sensitive to,” the Sovereign indicated, stressing that “this measure will be a key component of our development and social model to preserve the dignity of our citizens.”

As regards water resource management, HM the King affirmed that its requires greater commitment and vigilance, adding that He has made sure a national water program for the period 2020-2027 is developed.

In this respect, HM the King called for strict monitoring of all implementation stages and stressed that there will be zero tolerance for any form of mismanagement, or chaotic, irresponsible use of water resources.”

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse