House of Representatives: Majority Groups Applaud Harmonious Positions on Issues Submitted for Public Debate


Majority groups in the House of Representatives on Monday praised the high level of harmony and coordination of their political and legislative positions on issues submitted for public debate.

A joint statement said that the presidents of the majority groups highlighted, during a meeting on the occasion of the closing of the 2022-2023 legislative session, devoted to the assessment of legislative action during the April session of the second legislative year, the importance of the legal texts adopted during this sessiojn, especially in the areas of justice, health, finance or the productive sector and the related conventions.

The presidents of the parliamentary majority groups also praised the wisdom shown by all the components of the House of Representatives in postponing the vote on two bills approving the multilateral agreement between competent authorities on the exchange of declarations between countries and the multilateral agreement on the automatic exchange of financial account information, signed by the Kingdom on June 25, 2019, pleading, in this respect, for new negotiations concerning the provisions of these two agreements in order to defend the legitimate interests of Moroccans around the world.

In terms of parliamentary control, the presidents of the majority groups stressed the importance of oral and written questions raised on this subject, as well as those put to the Head of Government as part of the monthly public policy session, underlining the importance of the reports of the thematic commissions responsible for evaluating public policies discussed at this session, as well as the various fact-finding missions carried out and the thematic working groups set up.

The same source also noted that parliamentary diplomacy during this session was marked by intense activity in the service of national causes, with the Moroccan Sahara question at the top of the list, in the light of the new dynamic underway and the positive gains achieved thanks to the far-sighted vision of HM King Mohammed VI.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse