House of Representatives Speaker Announces Launch of Morocco-Mauritania Parliamentary Forum


Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, announced, on Friday in Nouakchott, the launch of a Morocco-Mauritania parliamentary forum to help strengthen relations between the two countries.

The Moroccan Parliament and the Mauritanian National Assembly have decided to set up a joint parliamentary forum to raise ties between the two countries to the level of strategic relations, Talbi Alami told the press after his talks with Mauritanian Prime Minister Mohamed Ould Bilal, which were also attended by members of the Moroccan parliamentary delegation and the Kingdom’s ambassador to Mauritania, Hamid Chabar.

The forum, which will be held alternately in Rabat and Nouakchott each year, will provide an opportunity to discuss issues of common interest and forge partnerships.

Talbi Alami also held talks with president of the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohamed Bamba Meguet, focusing on strengthening parliamentary cooperation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse