House of Representatives Unanimously Adopts Bill Creating Mohammed VI Foundation for Science and Health


The House of Representatives unanimously adopted, on Monday, bill no. 23.23 creating the Mohammed VI Foundation for Science and Health.

According to the bill, this Foundation contributes to supporting the national healthcare system through the promotion of treatment, as well as the development of higher education, training, research and innovation.

Presenting the text, Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Aït Taleb, said that the bill had been drawn up in response to the royal will and as part of HM King Mohammed VI’s high regard for the reform of the healthcare system, which involves all institutions providing health and treatment services to citizens.

Under the honorary presidency of His Majesty the King, the Foundation also aims to play a key role in promoting treatment and diversifying healthcare provision throughout the country, by offering high-quality health services and treatment in a range of medical specialties, by facilitating access to treatment and hospitalization for citizens, regardless of the type of basic compulsory medical insurance to which they are subject, and by creating and developing health infrastructure, including the Mohammed VI University Hospital Complex in Rabat and the one in Dakhla, with the aim of bringing the national health system up to the best standards, explained the Minister.

The Foundation will also play a key role in teaching and training in the health sciences, including medicine, pharmacy and dentistry, as well as setting up basic and continuing training centers, given the importance of this training in promoting human resources in the health sector, while filling the gap in all aspects of health management, noted Aït Taleb.

He also stressed the vital importance of research and innovation in promoting national policy in the health sector, underlining the Foundation’s remit to carry out or contribute to research work.

The Foundation can also carry out actions of a social or human nature, while contributing to the coverage of healthcare costs for AMO (compulsory medical insurance) beneficiaries who are unable to pay contributions, concluded the Minister.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse