Ibn Rushd Prize for Concord Awarded to Writer Abdelkader Chaoui, Morocco’s Cervantes Institute


Madrid – The Ibn Rushd Prize for Concord will be awarded to writer Abdelkader Chaoui and the Cervantès Institute in Morocco for their commendable efforts in fostering coexistence and intercultural dialogue, the organizers announced on Thursday.

Introduced by the Andalusia-Morocco friendship association “Forum Ibn Rushd,” the prize has two categories: one acknowledging notable contributions from Spanish institutions or individuals, and the other recognizing Moroccan contributions.

Abdelkader Chaoui and the director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis Garcia Montero, will be bestowed with the prize during an official ceremony that will take place at the end of Mayin Spain, the association said in a press release.

The prize is meant to “highlight, encourage and reward the significant contributions made by institutions or individuals to promote understanding, mutual knowledge, coexistence, dialogue, peace, justice and environmental protection in both Morocco and Spain”.

The Cervantes Institute boasts one of the
largest networks globally in Morocco, comprising 6 centers across various regions of the Kingdom, including Rabat, Marrakech, Casablanca, Tangier, Tetouan and Fez.

Born in 1950 in Bab Taza, Abdelkader Chaoui, a writer, poet, journalist and former diplomat, stands out as a prominent figure who has dedicated a significant portion of his intellectual and creative endeavors to promoting cross-cultural understanding.

The Andalusia-Morocco “Ibn Rochd Forum” friendship association, currently counting over 200 members on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar, is committed to fostering mutual understanding between the two peoples through a diverse range of initiatives.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse