Ijoukak Rural Commune Returns to Normalcy as Life Resumes After Earthquake


Over a week after the earthquake struck the province of Al Haouz and various regions of the Kingdom, signs of normalcy are gradually returning to the rural commune of Ijoukak, situated 16 km from Ighil, the earthquake’s epicenter.

In the heart of this commune, a noticeable increase in motorcyclists from neighboring douars and regular traffic from residents embarking on shopping trips or visiting family and friends can be observed.

On the transportation front, large taxi drivers are diligently working to facilitate travel for the inhabitants of this region, known for its challenging terrain, as they commute to Tahanaoute, the capital of Al Haouz province, or the city of Marrakech.

Economic activities are also beginning to resume in the commune, as businesses unaffected by significant damage are reopening. Store owners are meticulously organizing and displaying their merchandise for customers.

The vitality witnessed in the area, mirroring the determination seen in other regions and villages within the earthquake zone, is the outcome of the continuous mobilization of all stakeholders. This concerted effort, carried out in accordance with the High Royal Instructions, involves public authorities, the Royal Armed Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, Civil Protection, the Directorate General of National Security, the Auxiliary Forces, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, the Moroccan Red Crescent, and numerous others.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse