In SCO Summit, Turkish President Calls for Pressure on Israel to Accept Ceasefire


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the international community to put pressure on Israel to force it to accept a ceasefire and end the war on the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan said in his speech today, during an expanded session of the 24th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries in the Kazakh capital, Astana, that the rubble under which more than 16,000 Palestinian children were killed and nearly 90,000 others injured is that of the international system that has lost its legitimacy. He pointed out that nearly 40,000 innocent people were killed in random Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

He added that there were principled countries that raise their voices for global justice with all sincerity and diligence, without falling into pessimism in the face of all these crises that the international system faces, and that Turkiye constantly draws attention to the weaknesses of the current international system, stressing that Ankara is working, despite all obstacles, to build an effective and
comprehensive international system that achieves peace, security, stability and prosperity.

Erdogan stressed that his country sacrificed tens of thousands of its citizens at the hands of terrorist organizations, and that it is a country that knows well the bloody face of terrorism. He said that Turkey has been fighting various forms and manifestations of terrorism for 40 years, pointing out that Turkey’s long experience in combating terrorism shows that international cooperation is necessary to deal with this threat.

Source: Qatar News Agency