Intelligence arrests two of the most dangerous wanted persons in Hebron


Hebron – Together – The Public Relations and Media Department of the General Intelligence Service, Hebron Governorate Directorate, said that the agency was able to arrest two of the most dangerous wanted persons in the city of Hebron, with the support of joint patrols.

She added that the two individuals are wanted for a series of shooting attacks on homes, shops, and vehicles that took place in Hebron during the recent period, in addition to forcing some citizens to pay royalties, as well as intimidation operations against citizens.

The director of the department, Abdul Hafeez Al-Hashlamoun, said, based on the strict instructions announced by the director of the agency’s administration in the Hebron Governorate, Major General Muhammad Ghannam, which stipulate the pursuit and arrest of outlaws, bringing them to justice, eliminating negative phenomena that disturb the lives of citizens, protecting their property, extending order and spreading Security, safety and stability. The most dangerous wanted persons
have been arrested.

He added in his speech: ‘Through instructions, the officers of the agency in the Hebron District worked, at dawn on Wednesday, to arrest two of the most dangerous wanted persons, and to turn a black page that was a danger to the citizens and the social fabric in the Hebron Governorate.’

Regarding the charges against the two individuals, Al-Hashlamoun stated that there are a number of cases registered against them, including shooting at homes, shops, and private vehicles of citizens, threats, intimidation, and paying royalties.

He pointed out that the two individuals are under investigation, and will be transferred to the competent authorities once the investigations are completed, to take legal action against them, so that they can be an example to other outlaws who pose a threat to the security and lives of citizens.

Source: Maan News Agency