Interfaith Dialogue: African Parliaments’ Speakers Commend HM the King’s Pioneering Role in Serving Africa’s Interests


Speakers of African parliaments attending the Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue in Marrakech commended HM King Mohammed VI’s undeniable pioneering role in serving the continent’s interests.

On the sidelines of the Conference, the Speakers of the House of Representatives Rachid Talbi El Alami and the House of Councillors Enaam Mayara held talks with the Speakers of the Senate of the Kingdom of Eswatini Lindiwe Dlamini, of the National Assembly of Tanzania Tulia Ackson, and of the Senate of the Republic of Burundi, Emmanuel Sinzohagera.

In a statement to the press following the talks, the Speaker of the Eswatini Senate praised the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI for granting His High Patronage to this conference, commending the “fantastic” work carried out by the two houses of parliament alongside the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IUP) and its secretariat to make this meeting a real success.

An important aspect of this conference is to establish a dialogue between religions and civilizations, said Dlamini, adding that people are all one, regardless of their religion, and should therefore show tolerance, respect and trust towards each other.

For his part, Sinzohagera of Burundi hailed HM the King’s “proven” leadership “for having facilitated the holding of this august assembly,” which brings together parliamentarians, religious leaders, experts and members of civil society.

“Morocco and Burundi have long-standing ties of brotherhood and friendship”, he recalled.

For her part, the Speaker of the Tanzanian National Assembly told the press that her talks with Talbi El Alami and Mayara had focused on existing collaboration and cooperation between Rabat and Dodoma, as well as cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries, evoking the role that the two parliaments can play in strengthening bilateral relations.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse