International Commission “Hashad” strongly condemns heinous massacre committed by Israeli occupation forces in Mawasi Khan Younis


The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashad” strongly condemns the heinous and brutal massacre committed by Israeli warplanes against the forcibly displaced in Mawasi Khan Yunis, where they suddenly raided in the early morning hours of 10-9-2024, on the tents of the displaced next to Othman bin Affan Mosque behind the British Hospital southwest of Khan Younis, in the area that the occupation claimed to be a humanitarian area, and according to eyewitness testimonies and the statement of the Civil Defense spokesman that the occupation warplanes launched Five rockets and high-explosive barrel bombs on a tent gathering in the targeted area, causing the death and martyrdom of 40 martyrs, and the injury of 60 others with various injuries in an initial toll, in addition to terrorizing the displaced people in the surrounding area, and the shelling caused the burning and wiping of about 20 tents that housed dozens of forcibly displaced citizens, making this massacre, one of the most heinous mas
sacres committed during the ongoing genocidal war for the 340th consecutive day,While the civil defense and medical teams are still searching for the missing amid great difficulties due to the depth of the three pits caused by the Israeli bombardment, which exceeds 9 meters, in addition to the weak capabilities of the civil defense teams, power outages, and the weakness and collapse of health services.

The International Commission holds the Israeli occupation state and its partners fully responsible for this heinous crime and the rest of the crimes of genocide that would not have occurred without the inability of the international community to fulfill its moral, legal and humanitarian obligations, and warns against consistency with the non-true narratives of the occupation that aim to justify this crime and create pretexts to target and kill civilians, by saying that it targeted a control point belonging to Hamas, which is belied by the number of martyrs and wounded children and women, in addition to violati
ng all the rules of the law. The international humanitarian conventions, especially the provisions of the Hague Conventions and the Geneva Conventions, which require respect for the principles of distinction between civilians and military, and take into account not to cause any serious damage to achieve any military advantages, and require observance of the principles of proportionality in the use of force and humanity, which are rules that the Israeli occupation state and its military forces have not respected or adhered to, making it one of the crimes of genocide, and a complex and full-fledged war crime.

The international Commission “Hashad” calls on the international community, the High Contracting States Parties to the Geneva Convention, the United Nations and the countries of the world to take serious action to stop the ongoing Israeli genocide and aggression, provide international protection for the Palestinians, impose boycotts and sanctions on the Israeli occupation state and hold its leaders, soldi
ers and perpetrators of mass murder accountable in front of international justice.

Source: National news agency – Lebanon