Iraq Condemns Israeli Occupation’s Bombing of Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza Headquarters


Baghdad, Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli occupation’s bombing of the headquarters of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza.

The Ministry’s spokesperson Ahmed Al Sahhaf said in a statement on Monday that Iraq condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli occupation’s continued systematic violation of international law, their crimes against Palestinian citizens and their repeated and blatant attacks on buildings and service facilities, the most recent of which was the bombing of the headquarters of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza on Monday with no regard for the international demands for the immediate need to stop this aggressive war on the Gaza Strip.

Al Sahhaf affirmed the solidarity of the Iraqi government and people with the people of Gaza and demanded an end to the hostile attacks on innocent lives, which is a serious violation of the provisions of international and humanitarian law.

The Ministry also renewed its call on the Security Council and the international community to assume their responsibilities and put an end to these violations that have reached an indescribable level.

Source: Qatar News Agency