“Jerusalem Electricity” appreciates the efforts of the security establishment in arresting one of the attackers on the company’s office in Al-Eizariya


Jerusalem – Ma’an – The Jerusalem District Electricity Company appreciates the great efforts made by members of the Palestinian security establishment in protecting the company’s assets and pursuing and arresting one of the attackers who opened fire on the company’s office in the town of Al-Eizariya on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

The Director General of the Jerusalem District Electricity Company, Eng. Mohammed Zidane, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the security establishment, which did not hesitate to follow up on the assault incident from the first moment it occurred and gave direct instructions to pursue the attackers. One of those involved in the crime was arrested and referred to the judiciary to follow up on the legal procedures against him.

The company stressed its pride in all employees of the security establishment who work despite all the challenges and difficulties to provide security for our people.

SourceMaan News Agency