Lazzarini: UNRWA will not be dissolved until Palestine becomes a full-fledged state


The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, confirmed that there are political motives behind the efforts of some countries to dissolve the agency, which may undermine the establishment of the State of Palestine.

Lazzarini said in a statement to the Russian “TASS” agency, today, Sunday, “I call on the members of the United Nations to pay attention that this pressure must be confronted, because the real goal of dissolving the agency is politically motivated, and would undermine in the future efforts to resolve the Palestinian issue and establish the State of Palestine.” .

He pointed out that more than 80% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip believe that a two-state solution will be impossible if UNRWA is dissolved.

Earlier, Lazzarini confirmed in a press conference that ‘the main goal is to deprive the Palestinians of refugee status, and this was clearly confirmed by Israel’s representative before the UN Security Coun
cil last week, when he said that UNRWA is prolonging the refugee issue, but the real issue is ‘In the absence of a political solution, people remain in refugee status for a longer period.’

Lazzarini noted that he is not aware of Israel sending an official request to the United Nations regarding the dissolution of UNRWA, but he is aware of the Israeli government’s calls for this step and discussions about an alternative to the agency.

He stressed that UNRWA cannot be replaced by another body at the present time, as ‘there is no other organization that would assume our role and provide access to health care or education as we do,’ adding that this could be done by a government or administration with rights. Complete only.

He stressed that “the only body that can assume these functions is the future State of Palestine when we find a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli issue

Source: Maan News Agency