Lebanese Foreign Minister, EU High Representative Discuss Ceasefire Efforts in Gaza


Lebanese caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib discussed in a phone call with High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza.

The two sides reviewed the developments in southern Lebanon and the region, and stressed the importance of continuing efforts and endeavors to cease fire in Gaza as the main gateway to put an end to the ongoing escalation in the region and avoid a full-scale war.

Borrell affirmed his support for Lebanon’s position calling for the immediate implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701.

In turn, Bou Habib stressed the need for the European Union to exert pressure on Israel to stop its ongoing aggression against Lebanon and commit to implementing Resolution 1701.

Security Council Resolution 1701 was issued in 2006, adding other tasks to UNIFIL’s mandate, including monitoring the cessation of hostilities and supporting the Lebanese Armed Forces during their deployment throughout souther
n Lebanon, including along the Blue Line, while Israel withdraws its armed forces from Lebanon.

Source: Qatar News Agency