
A ceremony marking the conclusion of the first National Action Plan (NAP) for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security was held on Tuesday at the Government Serail under the patronage of Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati.

During the event, Mikati delivered a speech, saying: “I am pleased to meet with you at this honorable ceremony, marking the conclusion of the national plan for implementing Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security. We aimed for this plan to be the cornerstone for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Lebanon in the coming years, providing a comprehensive national framework for stability and security. It aims to support women’s participation in decision-making, protect them from violence, and review laws that infringe on their rights, among other related matters.”

“It is worth noting that the Council of Ministers has approved the development of a comprehensive strategy for implementing this resolution in 2019
, tasking the National Commission for Lebanese Women with preparing this plan through effective collaboration with relevant official administrations, civil society, as well as international and donor organizations, to achieve and develop its goals according to the needs and priorities of the Lebanese society. Unfortunately, women in Lebanese society, despite their general distinction in education, competence, and ability to prove themselves and compete in many sectors, suffer from injustice in some laws that restrict them and diminish their rights,’ Mikati added.

“We witness many cases of violence against women, which highlights the need to review some legal texts and add others to protect and empower them to ensure their full human rights as stated in the International Bill of Human Rights. This includes women’s rights to justice, equality, and non-discrimination, as well as working to support their participation in decision-making and activate their leadership role in political, economic, administrative, a
nd social positions. This represents the essence of our goals and the goals of the National Commission for Lebanese Women in achieving the National Action Plan for Resolution 1325,’ the Prime Minister explained.

“I congratulate the committee on their work, hoping that the resolutions will be implemented in all areas to support women’s role in society in all fields,’ Mikati concluded.

In turn, head of the National Commission for Lebanese Women, highlighted Lebanon’s difficult circumstances. She noted that Lebanon faces a severe political crisis, marked by the absence of a president for seventeen months, alongside economic challenges that have pushed the majority of Lebanese into poverty. Aoun emphasized the importance of women’s participation in decision-making and peace building processes, especially in times of conflict and crisis.

For his part, United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon, Imran Riza, praised the NAP’s achievements despite Lebanon’s challenging environment.
He highlighted the importance of the plan in supporting women’s participation in governance and security institutions, as well as its role in promoting peace and stability in the country.

Similarly, UN Resident Coordinator in Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, commended Lebanon’s commitment to security, peace, and development, and expressed readiness to support the country in developing a second National Action Plan. She stressed the importance of empowering women and youth in various fields and integrating peace and security into all aspects of society. Wronecka also emphasized the need for the youth to participate in economic, educational, and leadership roles to ensure security and peace.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon